Dean Mills to Take a Year’s Break from Dean’s Responsibilities, Provost Announces

Esther Thorson to Serve as Acting Dean
Columbia, Mo. (April 27, 2007)
An Announcement from MU Provost Brian Foster to the Missouri School of Journalism Family
Dean Mills has asked, after 18 years as dean of the School of Journalism, to take a year’s break from the day-to-day business of deaning and concentrate on planning for the Reynolds Institute. Beginning June 4, he and I have agreed that he will “step back” from the dean’s job for a year, returning to full-time duty in June of 2008, as the School begins its centennial celebration and looks forward to the opening of the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute.
I have asked Esther Thorson, associate dean for graduate studies and research in the School, to step in as acting dean for the year.
Dean will keep in his portfolio oversight of the Reynolds Institute. Indeed, he will concentrate most of his energies in the coming year to overseeing the development and program-planning activities of the Institute. Aside from the Institute oversight role, Esther will have full authority and responsibility as dean of journalism–including representing the School on the Council of Deans.
We wish Esther well in this new leadership role as we also anticipate the opening of the Reynolds Institute and look forward with great excitement to the centennial of the world’s first and finest school of journalism.
Updated: April 17, 2020