Elizabeth Hardt Wins 2008 “Pat on the Back” Award for Outstanding Contributions to the School

Columbia, Mo. (May 1, 2008) — Executive Staff Assistant Elizabeth Hardt won this year’s “Pat on the Back” award, which honors outstanding contributions by Missouri School of Journalism staff members.
As executive staff assistant to the dean of journalism, Hardt helps facilitate faculty reappointment, promotion and tenure processes in addition to completing clerical work for faculty hiring. She also was recognized at the event for serving the University of Missouri for 25 years.
“Elizabeth Hardt has impressed every single Journalism School faculty member with her dogged determination to organize our personnel files,” said Esther Thorson, the School’s acting dean. “The Policy and Promotion and Tenure committees can now tell where every faculty member is in terms of contract, rank and where they stand for review. Her office has all kinds of traffic, and she never fails but to be helpful with people.”
Hardt received the award at an April 30 faculty and staff ceremony followed by a reception.
Other nominees for this year’s award included:
- Angel Anderson, photojournalism administrative assistant;
- Ashlee Erwin, special events and communications coordinator;
- Nina Johnson, Columbia Missourian librarian;
- Michael Pearson, J-Net system administrator;
- Dora Rogers, fiscal office administrative assistant; and
- Phousavanh Sengsavanh, career services assistant director.
Several staff members were also recognized for employment anniversaries with the University of Missouri:
- Angel Anderson, photojournalism administrative assistant, five years;
- Pat Kelley, administrative assistant, five years;
- Jennifer Erickson, coordinator of special events and communications for Investigative Reporters and Writers Inc., five years;
- Jim Schmidt, circulation manager, five years;
- Billie Dukes, office of planning and communications executive staff assistant, 10 years;
- Laura Gilpin, Columbia Missourian creative services supervisor, 10 years;
- John Meyer, systems administrator, 20 years; and
- Jill McReynolds, senior academic adviser, 30 years.
This is the 18th year for the “Pat on the Back” award. Those nominated exhibit the highest level of professionalism, initiative and helpfulness, as well as commitment to the School and University’s mission.
Updated: April 27, 2020