Missouri Takes Mobile-First Training Approach

Over the last couple of years, the University of Missouri’s journalism school has upped efforts to wrap a mobile, or digital, first approach into the curriculum. “We are going at it hard because we think it’s an emerging model,” says Judd Slivka, an assistant professor of convergence journalism. “It’s causing us to rethink how we do things.” NetNewsCheck reporter Diana Marszalek explains how it works in a Next Gen J-School article.
By Diana Marszalek
Columbia, Mo. (July 24, 2014) — Taylor Beck landed a pretty sweet gig as a producer for WAVE, the NBC affiliate in Louisville, Kentucky, even before graduating from the University of Missouri‘s journalism school in May.
Beck had multiple jobs offers, but says she chose working at WAVE because its newsroom thinks mobile first, just like her alma mater taught her to do. “I didn’t want to work at a place that put digital on the backburner. That’s a recipe for disaster,” Beck says.
Updated: July 27, 2020