9 Missouri Journalism Students Chosen to Lead Summer Welcome

The Orientation Leaders Will Help New Mizzou Students Prepare for the Fall Semester Columbia, Mo. (May 12, 2014) — Questions about classes, student organizations and sporting events: Incoming University of Missouri students have lots of questions about all aspects of campus life. Nine Missouri School of Journalism students will be among the 36 to help … Continued

6 Missouri Journalism Graduate Students Attend White House Correspondents Dinner

President and Mrs. Obama Recognize the Scholarship Winners Washington, DC (May 8, 2014) — Six Missouri School of Journalism graduate students met, hugged and posed for photos with President and Mrs. Obama at the White House Correspondents Dinner held May 3 in Washington. The annual dinner for journalists, government officials and invited guests may make … Continued

Record Number of Recruiters Look to Hire Missouri Journalism Talent

Almost 500 Students and Company Representatives in Attendance at the 2014 Strategic Communication Career Fair By Katelyn Morris Public Relations Account Executive MOJO Ad Columbia, Mo. (April 4, 2014) — The recent Strategic Communication Career Fair was the largest in its history, attracting 44 recruiters from advertising and public relations agencies as well as other … Continued

ESPN Sports Anchor Cara Capuano Speaks to Missouri AWSM Members

Patience, Positivity, Persistence and Passion Are Keys to Success in the Sports Broadcast Business, She Says By Rebecca Dell Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 27, 2014) — Cara Capuano of ESPN met with University of Missouri members of the Association for Women in Sports Media (AWSM) during her recent trip to Columbia. Capuano, in town to call … Continued

Workshops Prepare Students for Strategic Communication Career Fair

Personal Branding, Social Media Presence and Resume Reviews Among the Topics Discussed Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 6, 2014) — Strategic communication students planning to attend the annual Strategic Communication Career Fair recently participated in three workshops designed to develop their professional presence. Missouri School of Journalism students learned about Branding Yourself: How to Keep Your Name … Continued

Professor Barbara Cochran Interviews Former Vice President Cheney at the National Press Club Book Rap

Washington (Dec. 8, 2013) — Professor Barbara Cochran interviewed former Vice President Dick Cheney and Dr. Jonathan Reiner about their book on Cheney’s health to a packed audience at the National Press Club Book Rap on Dec. 3. “Heart: An American Medical Odyssey” shares Cheney’s personal story of his longtime battle with heart disease. Cochran, … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism to Recognize 135 Students at Dec. 13 Commencement

The Ceremony Will Begin at 3:30 p.m. in Jesse Auditorium Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 6, 2013) — The Missouri School of Journalism will recognize a total of 135 graduates at its commencement ceremony at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 13, in Jesse Auditorium. Seating is open, and no tickets are required. Commencement Addresses The text of … Continued