Missouri Journalism Designers Win 7 Awards in National College News Design Contest

Columbia, Mo. (May 6, 2013) — Students from the Missouri School of Journalism recently won seven awards at the 25th annual College News Design Contest. “I am so proud of the Missouri students that placed in this year’s contest,” said Erica Mendez Babcock, an assistant professor and print design editor at the Columbia Missourian. “With … Continued

How Vox Magazine Prepares For and Covers the True/False Film Fest

It Takes a Lot of Missouri Journalism Student Power to Write about One of Columbia’s Biggest Events By Celia Darrough Columbia, Mo. (May 6, 2013) — In what was probably the biggest event coverage of the year for Vox Magazine, there was so much happening in print and online that it took 17 color-coded Google … Continued

SPJ Announces National Mark of Excellence Award Winners

3 Missouri School of Journalism Students Are National Finalists Indianapolis (May 2, 2013) — The Society of Professional Journalists recently honored the 2012 national Mark of Excellence Awards winners. The MOE Awards honor the best of collegiate journalism from a calendar year. The work of six Missouri School of Journalism students was selected for national … Continued

Two Journalism Professors Elected to Serve on Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Standing Committees

Columbia, Mo. (April 26, 2013) — Two Missouri School of Journalism professors have been elected to serve on standing committees for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. AEJMC is a major international membership organization for academics in the field. The association has 3,700 members from 50 countries that affiliate among 18 divisions, … Continued

The Global Journalist Wins Top Cable Industry Award

Alliance for Community Media Recognizes the Best in Community Media Columbia, Mo. (April 26, 2013) — The cable industry’s Alliance for Community Media (ACM) has announced the Missouri School of Journalism’s Global Journalist outlet is the 2012 award winner in the Independent Producer – News category. ACM annually recognizes the best in community media. The … Continued

Professor Emeritus Brian Brooks Honored by the Missouri Interscholastic Press Association with Knight Award

Columbia, Mo. (April 25, 2013) — Professor Emeritus Brian Brooks was recently honored by the Missouri Interscholastic Press Association with the 2013 Knight Award. The Knight Award is named for Robert Knight, a Missouri Journalism professor who directed MIPA from 1966-92. He was instrumental in supporting and expanding scholastic journalism and its resources across the … Continued

Missouri Journalism Senior Andrew Scheperle Is Selected for International Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals

He Will Gain Academic and Professional Experience Through the U.S.-German Program Columbia, Mo. (April 25, 2013) — Missouri School of Journalism senior Andrew Scheperle has been selected to participate in the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX), a year-long, federally-funded fellowship for study and work in Germany. He is one of 75 participants selected … Continued

‘Career Explorations in Journalism’ Course Receives $40,000 Redesign Grant

Students’ Strengths Will Be Mapped with Interest Areas By Gwen Girsdansky Master’s Student Columbia, Mo. (April 22, 2013) — The Mizzou Redesign Initiative awarded money to redesign seven undergraduate classes with high enrollments, including the Missouri School of Journalism’s eight-week “Career Explorations in Journalism.” The course helps first-year students discover the array of professional possibilities … Continued