American Journalism Historians Association to Recognize Professor Earnest Perry with Its National Award for Excellence in Teaching
Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 4, 2013) — The American Journalism Historians Association will recognize Earnest Perry with its 2013 National Award for Excellence in Teaching during the organization’s upcoming annual convention in New Orleans. Perry is an associate professor and chair of the journalism studies faculty at the Missouri School of Journalism.
The annual AJHA teaching award honors a college or university teacher who excels at teaching in the areas of journalism and mass communication history, makes a positive impact on student learning, and offers an outstanding example for other educators.

Perry said he is honored to receive the award but emphasized that it’s not just for him.
“This honor also belongs to the countless students, colleagues and mentors who have influenced my teaching,” Perry said. “It’s a group effort, and we all are grateful for this award.”
For the past 11 years, Perry has been lead instructor of one of the country’s first required courses on diversity in journalism. He also teaches the undergraduate class History of American Journalism and graduate courses in Historical Methods and the Media and Civil Rights.
Perry is also coordinator of the Missouri School of Journalism’s doctoral teaching program, one of only a handful of formalized teaching programs in journalism and mass communication. He said the success of the teaching program, along with scholarly training, has led to Missouri alumni landing positions at some of the top universities in the world.
Ford Risley, chair of the AJHA Education Committee, called Perry a most deserving recipient of the AJHA teaching award. He said Perry received high marks across all award categories.
“The judges had special praise for the quality of his classroom instruction, his work with students, and his service to the teaching profession,” Risley said.
The AJHA Education Committee received four nominations for the 2013 award.
Founded in 1981, the American Journalism Historians Association seeks to advance education and research in mass communication history. Members work to raise historical standards and ensure that all scholars and students recognize the vast importance of media history and apply this knowledge to the advancement of society.
Updated: July 20, 2020