African-American Children from Low-Income Families Want to Engage in Healthy Behaviors, Research Indicates

Results of an Undergraduate Study to Be Presented at Upcoming CDC Conference in Atlanta Columbia, Mo. (July 28, 2010) — Low-income African-American children living in public housing would like to be encouraged to engage in healthy behaviors by parents and friends, according to a spring 2010 research project conducted by Missouri School of Journalism undergraduate … Continued

Citizen Journalism vs. Legacy News: The Battle for News Supremacy

MU Researchers Say Citizen Journalism Does Not Match Void Left by Legacy News Organizations By Nathan Hurst MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (July 8, 2010) — A team of researchers from the Missouri School of Journalism and two other schools say that even the top 60 citizen websites and bloggers are not filling the information … Continued

New Book by Seymour Topping, BJ ’43, Offers Firsthand Account of the Cold War and Perspectives for Today’s Journalism

By Brian Jarvis Master’s Student Columbia, Mo. (July 2, 2010) — “January 1949: I had ventured across the Chinese Nationalist front lines into man’s-land bent on reaching the headquarters of the Communist Party leader Mao Zedong to seek an interview and to cover the advance of his troops on Nanking, Chiang Kai-shek’s capital. Intercepted by … Continued

Seattle Times Writer Wins the Darrell Sifford Memorial Prize in Journalism

The Annual Prize Honors Missouri Journalism Alumnus Who Died in 1992 Columbia, Mo. (July 2, 2010) — A Seattle Times writer is the 2010 winner of the Darrell Sifford Memorial Prize in Journalism. The annual award, named for a long-time Charlotte Observer and Philadelphia Inquirer columnist who died in 1992, recognizes newspaper writing that illuminates … Continued

MU to Host New Advertising Ethics Institute

Institute to Research and Educate Advertising Ethics in Hopes of Improving Public Image By Nathan Hurst MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (July 1, 2010) — In a 2007 opinion poll, advertising practitioners came in third from last among professions in public perception of honesty and ethics, just ahead of lobbyists and car salesmen. In an … Continued

Missouri Journalism Faculty, Students End Academic Year with Impressive Research Record

Productivity Includes 34 Journal Articles, 89 Refereed Papers, 9 Books and 16 Book Chapters Columbia, Mo. (June 14, 2010) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty and students produced a striking amount and breadth of journalism and mass communications research in the 2009-2010 academic year. Researchers discovered a range of significant and illuminating results. For example: … Continued