Vox Wins Four Awards in National Student Magazine Contest

Columbia, Mo. (July 27, 2009) — Vox magazine as well as several Missouri School of Journalism magazine journalism students have won awards by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in the annual student magazine contest. This year Vox earned recognition in the following categories: online magazine, design, investigation and analysis, and service and … Continued

Missouri Journalism Faculty, Students to Present 50 Scholarly Papers, Lead 21 Sessions at Upcoming Research Conference

Five Papers Receive Top Honors; Vox Magazine Earns Four Awards Columbia, Mo. (July 22, 2009) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty and students will present an impressive number of refereed scholarly papers — a total of 50 — at the 2009 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication convention Aug. 5-8 in Boston. For the … Continued

KOMU Faculty Win a National Edward R. Murrow Award

Columbia, Mo. (July 20, 2009) — Sarah Hill, BJ ’93, and Scott Schaefer, BJ ’04, have won a national Edward R. Murrow Award in the feature reporting category for “The Magic Tree,” part of the “Sarah’s Stories” series. The Radio-Television News Directors Association, the industry’s leading trade organization, sponsors the competition. Both Hill and Schaefer … Continued

Missouri Journalism Faculty Members Named 2009-2010 Reynolds Journalism Institute Fellows

Columbia, Mo. (July 16, 2009) — Three members of the Missouri School of Journalism faculty are among the six Reynolds Journalism Institute Fellows (RJI) selected for the 2009-2010 academic year. The group of journalists and scholars will research new technology-based trends and methods in journalism and strategic communication. Jacqui Banaszynski, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who holds … Continued

Business Journalism Class Visits Wall Street for Sixth Straight Year

Columbia, Mo. (June 12, 2009) — For the sixth consecutive year, Missouri School of Journalism students visited business news media and Wall Street landmarks during a four-day tour of New York City. Marty Steffens, the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW) chair in business and financial journalism, arranged the fast-paced trip for students … Continued

Strategic Communication Professor Steve Kopcha Named to the Missouri History Museum Advertising/PR Hall of Fame

Columbia, Mo. (June 11, 2009) — Steve Kopcha, an associate professor at the Missouri School of Journalism, has been named to the Missouri History Museum Advertising/PR Hall of Fame in St. Louis. Kopcha, BJ ’63, joined Monsanto‘s corporate advertising department following graduation and military service. His subsequent work at the St. Louis world headquarters of … Continued

Esther Thorson Receives MU Director of Graduate Studies Outstanding Contribution Award

By Brian Trojahn Strategic Communication Student Columbia, Missouri (June 8, 2009) — The University of Missouri Graduate School recently presented Esther Thorson, associate dean for graduate studies at the Missouri School of Journalism, the fourth annual Director of Graduate Studies Outstanding Contribution Award. She was recognized at the Graduate School’s award ceremony. In her 16 years … Continued