News Releases
Brochure Now Available for Journalism and Law Graduate Program
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 25, 2005) — A new brochure that explains and illustrates the benefits of the journalism and law dual degree programs is now available from the Missouri School of Journalism. The dual degree program in journalism and law is designed to give students a career edge by providing a solid understanding of the … Continued
Construction Plans for the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute Approved by the UM Board of Curators
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 25, 2005) — The University of Missouri Board of Curators at its February meeting approved construction and renovation plans for the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute. The new center will focus on advanced studies of journalism and its role in democratic societies. The Donald W. Reynolds Foundation awarded the Missouri School of … Continued
Missouri School of Journalism to Present Honor Medal to Indonesian News Magazine
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 24, 2005) — Tempo Weekly News Magazine, an Indonesian magazine known for its strides in upholding key journalistic principles under difficult conditions, will be awarded a 2004 Missouri Honor Medal for Distinguished Service in Journalism at a noon luncheon on Thursday, March 3 at Memorial Union on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus. … Continued
15 Journalism Students Receive Mizzou ’39 Outstanding Senior Awards
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 22, 2005) — Fifteen of the top 39 students on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus are journalism students. The MU Alumni Association Student Board recognized 39 outstanding seniors for their academic achievement, leadership and service to the University and community. More than 135 seniors applied for this first-time award. The students were … Continued
Missouri School of Journalism Receives $864,800 Gift
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 22, 2005) — The Missouri School of Journalism has received a gift of $864,800 from a graduate of the School. The monies will be used to enhance strategic communication studies in the Advertising Department. “We’re very grateful for this extraordinary gift presented by a graduate who has asked to remain anonymous,” said Margaret … Continued
Journalism School Hosts Strategic Communication Career Fair
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 22, 2005) — Journalism students had the opportunity to meet, interview and make formal contacts with recruiters at the fourth annual advertising and public relations career fair on February 10. “It was great to have the opportunity to meet and talk face to face with people who are in the business,” said … Continued
Global Journalist Radio Program Celebrates 5th Anniversary on Feb. 24
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 22, 2005) — Within days and sometimes within hours of international news breaking, Columbia’s sophisticated news audience and Missouri’s acclaimed journalism students get first-hand analysis from Global Journalist — a unique radio program on KBIA-91.3 FM. In the first five years of the program, more than 1,000 global experts from 79 countries have … Continued
MU Study Shows Online Web Sites Beneficial to Cancer Patients
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 21, 2005) — According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer affects more than 200,000 women each year in North America, making it the most prevalent cancer for women and the second-leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Many of these women now turn to the Internet to seek information and … Continued
Gloria Steinem to Receive Missouri Honor Medal on Feb. 10
Columbia, Mo. (Jan. 31, 2005) — Gloria Steinem, a writer and an activist, will be awarded a 2004 Missouri Honor Medal for Distinguished Service in Journalism in a special ceremony beginning at 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 10, at the Missouri Theatre. The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not needed. The … Continued
Alumnus Bequeaths $2.5 Million Gift to Advertising Department
Columbia, Mo. (Jan. 28, 2005) — The Missouri School of Journalism has received an estimated $2.5 million gift from the estate of Paul Synor, BJ ’42. The monies will be used to enhance strategic communication studies in the Advertising Department. “Thanks to Mr. Synor’s generosity, the Advertising Department will have the opportunity to extend many … Continued