Students Learn First Hand from Magazine Representatives

Columbia, Mo. (March 12, 2004) — Representatives from more than 100 magazines met with students, conducted panels and individually spoke about various topics in the industry at the recent annual Magazine Fair held at the Missouri School of Journalism. The primary purpose of the fair is to further the education of magazine journalism students. Danita … Continued

Journalism-Law Research Study Receives $49,000 Grant

Columbia, Mo. (March 11, 2004) — A joint journalism and law research study on domestic violence recently received a $49,000 grant from the Missouri Department of Public Safety to continue its work. The original research study began in 2002 and looked at law enforcement responses to cases of domestic violence in Missouri. The study was … Continued

Magazine Club Visits 17 Magazines in New York

Columbia, Mo. (March 10, 2004) — Twenty-seven Magazine Club students from the Missouri School of Journalism visited 17 magazines on a recent trip to New York. Kalsey Higley, president of Magazine Club, said that the group plans the annual trip so that “students can get a better understanding of the New York magazine industry and … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism Names 61st Annual Pictures of the Year International Contest Winners

Columbia, Mo. (March 9, 2004) — Winners of the 61st Annual Pictures of the Year International (POYi)  Competition, one of the world’s largest and most prestigious photojournalism contests, were announced by the Missouri School of Journalism. Judges viewed nearly 26,000 photographs, 2,500 newspaper and magazine pages, submitted by more than 1,300 newspaper and magazine photographers and editors from … Continued

J-School Graduate One of Youngest to Win Polk Award

Columbia, Mo. (March 9, 2004) — Brian Joseph, BJ ’02, has been awarded a 2003 George Polk Award for work he completed during a summer 2002 internship at The Seattle Times. Joseph, as part of an investigative team, won the local reporting award for “The Art of Deception,” a two-day series that exposed a prominent Seattle … Continued

KOMU Switches to New Avid NewsCutter Editing System

Columbia, Mo. (March 8, 2004) — KOMU was among the first television stations in the world to switch to digital editing. Now, a new editing system will enable KOMU to be among the first stations to operate a tapeless edit and playback system. KOMU recently made the switch from the tape-based Media 100 to the Avid NewsCutter. … Continued

Missouri SPJ Chapter Receives Grant, Will Host Ethicist

Columbia, Mo. (March 3, 2004) — The Society of Professional Journalists chapter recently received a $500 regional grant. The funds will be used to host a speaker as part of the organization’s 2nd Annual Ethics Week. “We’re honored to receive this award for the second time,” said Charles Davis, adviser for the Missouri School of Journalism’s … Continued

14 New Journalism Ambassadors Selected

Columbia, Mo. (March 3, 2004) — Fourteen new Journalism Ambassadors have been selected to represent the Missouri School of Journalism to prospective students and other campus visitors. The new Journalism Ambassadors are: Krystal Allan, Parkville, Mo. Sarah Flynn, Town and Country, Mo. Elisabeth Gardner, Carrington, N.D. Eric Haeusser, Overland Park, Kan. Lauren Hieger, St. Louis, … Continued

Broadcast News Student Selected as Finalist for ESPN Anchor Reality Show

Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 24, 2004) — Broadcast news senior Mike Hall has been selected as one of 12 finalists to star on ESPN‘s reality show “Dream Job.” Hall, of Glen Ellyn, Ill., was chosen from more than 10,000 contestants who competed through three rounds of preliminary auditions that were held in 29 cities. ESPN experts … Continued

School Creates New “Media Convergence” Sequence

Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 19, 2004) — Plans to offer a new “media convergence” sequence to Missouri School of Journalism undergraduate students beginning in the fall 2005 semester are under way. Media convergence is defined as some form of cross-media cooperation, usually involving broadcast stations, print outlets and Internet sites. “Our faculty recognizes that today’s convergence … Continued