Missouri Photojournalism Students Win Pictures of the Year International Awards

By Shawn Brouwer Columbia, Mo. (April 4, 2006) — The work of more than 25 Columbia Missourian photo editors and staff photographers and a recent Missouri School of Journalism student were among the top winners at the 63rd annual Pictures of the Year International (POYi) contest. Considered one of the world’s largest and most prestigious photojournalism contests, POYi judges viewed … Continued

Award-Winning Photojournalist Ami Vitale to Visit Missouri for Lecture

Columbia, Mo. (Jan. 23, 2006) — Ami Vitale, an award-winning photojournalist best known for her international news and cultural documentation work with Getty, will share insights and tips with Missouri School of Journalism students and other interested persons at an upcoming presentation at 7 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 26, in the University of Missouri Museum of Art … Continued

Recent Alumnus Wins First Place Hearst Photojournalism Award

Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 8, 2005) — Chris Detrick, a 2005 photojournalism graduate of the Missouri School of Journalism, won first place in the photojournalism competition of the 2005-06 Hearst Journalism Awards Program. This was the first Hearst photojournalism competition of this academic year, entered by 74 students from 43 journalism schools nationwide. “Chris Detrick is … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism Grad Wins Hearst Photojournalism Award

Columbia, Mo. (April 25, 2005) — Lara Shipley, a recent photojournalism graduate from the Missouri School of Journalism, was awarded fifth place in the Picture Story/Series Competition of the 2004-2005 Hearst Journalism Awards Program. This was the third and final Hearst photojournalism competition of this academic year, entered by 44 students nationwide. “Lara’s story is … Continued

Winners Selected in First J-FIG iLife Challenge

Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 19, 2004) — The multimedia project of “Dozing in the Strangest Places” won best of show at the Journalism-Freshmen Interest Group (J-FIG) iLife Challenge awards ceremony held Nov. 17 at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Mike Hall, BJ ’04, announced the winning team of Mark Buhrmester, Michael Chesney and Scott Parsons and presented … Continued

New Presidential Photo Exhibit to Be Displayed at Debates

By Jessica Pollard MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 24, 2004) — From the iconographic to the unexpected, 67 photographs of presidents including Franklin D. Roosevelt and George W. Bush have been arranged in an exhibit that will be featured at presidential debates in the upcoming weeks. “The Presidential Image: 60 Years of the Best … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism Names 61st Annual Pictures of the Year International Contest Winners

Columbia, Mo. (March 9, 2004) — Winners of the 61st Annual Pictures of the Year International (POYi)  Competition, one of the world’s largest and most prestigious photojournalism contests, were announced by the Missouri School of Journalism. Judges viewed nearly 26,000 photographs, 2,500 newspaper and magazine pages, submitted by more than 1,300 newspaper and magazine photographers and editors from … Continued

Dallas-area Alumni Celebrate the Launch of Nokia Ads Developed by Mizzou Students

Dallas (April 14, 2003) — Dallas-Fort Worth-area alumni and other guests gathered April 14 at La Cima Club, Irving, to celebrate the launch of two television ads developed by Missouri School of Journalism students for the Nokia 3650 phone. Debra Kennedy, Nokia, and Jack Smith, broadcast advertising course professor, discussed how two two-member teams designed … Continued