Decade: 1970-79
Bill McGreevy, BJ ’77
Bill McGreevy, BJ ’77, is dean of instruction at Grossmont College in El Cajon, California.
David Firestone, BJ ’77
David Firestone, BJ ’77, is managing editor of NBC News Digital.
Lewis W. Diuguid, BJ ’77
Lewis W. Diuguid, BJ ’77, is the author of “Our Fathers: Making Black Men” (Universal-Publishers, 2017). [More]
James A. Harnar, BJ ’75
James A. Harnar, BJ ’75, retired in mid-2015 after 30-plus years in the health sector in Maine, including 10 years as founder and CEO of a nonprofit health leadership academy. Harnar also retired from the U.S. Navy as a Captain (2006) with 25 years of active duty and reserve service. He now lives most of … Continued
Kathleen McComb Goudge, BJ ’77
Kathleen McComb Goudge, BJ ’77, died Nov. 17, 2016 in Houston. Goudge worked as a reporter for the Edmond Sun in Oklahoma, where she wrote a popular column that helped find permanent homes for dogs and cats.
Lewis Diuguid, BJ ’77
Lewis Diuguid, BJ ’77, was selected by Nieman Fellows in the class of 2017 at Harvard University as the recipient of the Louis M. Lyons Award for Conscience and Integrity in Journalism. The award honors displays of conscience and integrity by individuals, groups or institutions in communications. Diuguid was recognized for his work as a … Continued
Randy Cox, BJ ’75
Randy Cox, BJ ’75, a talented picture editor, photographer, designer and visuals educator known as much for his passion for photojournalism as his generous spirit, died Jan. 2, 2017, in Portland, Oregon. Cox began his 38-year newspaper career as a photographer at the Jackson Clarion-Ledger in Mississippi. He then became photo editor at The Coffeyville … Continued
Martin Nicholson
What do you do? I am the vice-president of EGA Inc., a consulting firm in Skyland, North Carolina. In that capacity, I have handled all marketing, sales and financials since 2004. How did you get your job? I had been working in the produce industry for two major international publications, serving that industry from 1977-2003. … Continued
David Ramseur, MA ’77
After nearly 40 years working in Alaska journalism and politics, David Ramseur, MA ’77, is completing a book on contemporary Alaska-Russian relations for the University of Alaska Press. Due for publication in July 2017, it is titled “Melting the Ice Curtain.”
Christine Ledbetter, BJ ’77
Christine Ledbetter, BJ ’77, is the senior arts editor of the Washington Post.