Amy Brachmann, BJ ’10, MA ’11

Amy Brachmann, BJ ’10, MA ’11, has been promoted to digital editor with the ESPN West Coast Bureau. She will work with ESPN LA, ESPN Chicago, ESPN Dallas as well with the copy and news desks.

Shengze Zhu, MA ’13

“Out of Focus,” a documentary by Shengze Zhu, MA ’13, received international recognition by the 36th Cinéma du Réel (France), recently finishing its world premiere in Paris. Reviewer Charlotte Garson wrote: “‘Out of Focus’ looks at Chinese urbanity through children’s “discovery” of photography. The participants of a workshop run by Shengze Zhu in a school for … Continued

Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11

Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, assistant professor of public relations and social media at Michigan State University, is the first person to receive the Mary Alice Shaver Promising Professor Award, a national award established by the American Academy of Advertising (AAA) to honor junior faculty who have demonstrated excellence and innovation in advertising teaching … Continued

Steven Rich, MA ’13

Steven Rich, MA ’13, along with colleagues Debbie Cenziper and Michael Sallah of The Washington Post are the winners of the Local Accountability Reporting Award in the 2014 American Society of News Editors competition. The honor recognizes outstanding work done by a news organization that holds important local institutions accountable for their actions. From the … Continued

Lauren Quick, BJ ’13

Lauren Quick, BJ ’13, is the assistant editor for Modern Salon, Salon Today and First Chair magazines since joining the Chicago-based Vance Publishing Corp. in January 2014. She studied magazine journalism and obtained minors in sociology and Spanish. While in school, Quick was a department and Web editor for Vox magazine and a reporter for … Continued

Bianca Rae Goutos, BJ ’11

Bianca Rae Goutos, BJ ’11, has created a foundation in her name that focuses on helping animals in the Palm Springs, Calif., area. The organization sponsors the annual Faith, Hope and Pups Polo Benefit, with monies used for sponsor spay/neuter clinics, organized shelter animal adoption fairs and the like.