Diana White Vowels

How did you get interested in journalism? In high school I worked on the school yearbook because I was really interested in design. What was your first job, and how did you get it? I was actually recruited on the MU campus by Gannett for an advertising sales position. I started at The Desert Sun … Continued

Grace Voss

What do you do? I am a retired high school English teacher who spent 15 months in 1965-66 as a reporter for the Palo Alto (Calif.) Times. Teaching lasted longer, 34 years in fact, and I am now retired and living in Santa Cruz, a town of 60,000 residents located at the north end of … Continued

Judith P. Van Wyk

What do you do? I am currently in the process of forming my own video production company and am teaching at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke. I also serve on the board of the Southern Documentary Fund and am chair of the new projects committee. How did you get your job? After many … Continued

Larry Van Dyne

Larry Van Dyne, BJ ’67, grew up on his family’s beef cattle farm in northern Missouri, four miles east of Newtown. He attended high school at one of the smallest schools in the state. His 1963 graduating class was a group of 18 students. In high school, Van Dyne didn’t think he was going to … Continued

Sally Renaud Turner

What do you do? I teach print journalism at Eastern Illinois University, including History of American Journalism, inspired by Dr. Taft’s History and Principles of Journalism class. I also advise the yearbook and direct the Illinois Journalism Education Association and the Eastern Illinois High School Press Association. How did you get your job? I had … Continued

Seymour Topping

If journalists write the first draft of history, as has been claimed, it is a draft dictated by war. Centuries of “journalists,” from ancient historians such as Herodotus to modern 20th century reporters, have documented the rise and fall of civilizations marked by winners and losers of war. Their stories have shaped the historical eras … Continued

Richard Telthorst

Describe your place of employment and what do you do? Missouri Telecommunications Industry Association is a trade association that represents the telecommunications industry. We address telecommunication issues with the state legislature and the state regulatory commission. We also organize educational conferences for our members and participate in trade shows. In my line of work, I … Continued

Rebecca Taylor

What do you do? I am the associate creative director at Kochan & Company Advertising Agency. How did you get your job? Through networking. It’s a very powerful tool! And having a strong portfolio is essential. What is the best professional lesson you learned at the J-School? You can find inspiration anywhere and everywhere. Experience, … Continued

Suzanne Struglinski

What do you do? I connect reporters with the right experts at NRDC to talk about anything from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to the latest news out of the White House or Congress to how best to recycle old catalogs and magazines and practically every other environmental topic you can think … Continued

Sandi Orent Strother

What do you do? I am the executive director for the Veterinary Cancer Society, an international association comprised of veterinary oncologists, technicians, students, residents and interns. My responsibilities include planning, organizing and preparing for any association conferences around the world as well as managing our international membership. How did you get your job? I worked … Continued