Louisville Courier-Journal

Creative approaches to newspaper content, design and marketing have made the Louisville courier-Journal and Times among the most influential and respected newspapers in U.S. journalism history. The courier-Journal is only the fourth newspaper to be awarded a Missouri Medal twice. It was one of the first papers ever to receive a medal when it won … Continued


William Attwood, president and published of Newsday, accepted the Missouri Medal for the Long Island daily’s “creative pioneering of suburban journalism, its perfection of new standards of graphic design and organization, its commitment to good reporting and its courage to probe after unwelcome truth.” Attwood began his distinguished journalism career as correspondent for the New … Continued


Edward Kosner, editor of Newsweek, accepted a 1977 Missouri Honor Award in behalf of his magazine’s “excellence in reporting national news, in particular its attention to special reports and analysis of the critical changes in society.” He has written more than 20 cover stories on subjects ranging from presidential politics to urban problems. In recent … Continued

60 Minutes (CBS)

Don Hewitt accepted the Missouri Medal for “60 Minutes.” Hewitt, winner of six Emmy Awards, is executive producer of “60 Minutes,” CBS’s highly acclaimed television news series. Hewitt has been involved with the production and direction of broadcast coverage of almost every major news break in the past 28 years. Hewitt’s journalism career began as … Continued

Maine Times

John N. Cole accepted the Missouri Medal for the Maine Times. Cole, president and editor of the Maine Times, a prize-winning regional weekly, is an environmental activist and author. A Yale graduate in 1945, he put in a four-year hitch in the Air Force as a combat gunner. After trying his hand at public relations … Continued

ABC Sports

Roone Arledge, president of ABC Sports, has been a dominant personality in sports broadcasting since the creation of the highly successful “Wide World of Sports” in 1961. In May 1976, Arledge celebrated the show’s 15th anniversary by taking 32 of 34 individual Emmy Awards in the sports area. Much of the pr9ogram’s creative coverage is … Continued

Marstellar & Burson-Marstellar, Inc.

In the short span of less than 25 years both of these world-wide companies have built enviable reputations for quality and outstanding growth. A grant by the firms last summer made possible the first Communication Educators Seminar when 26 professors from all parts of the country were given an opportunity to discuss contemporary communications issues … Continued

Sports Illustrated

Hedley Donovan, editor-in-chief of Time, Inc., accepted the Missouri Medal for Sports Illustrated magazine, a publication of Time, Inc. For the past 20 years, Sports Illustrated has documented the expanding role sports play in our lives through penetrating articles far beyond the usual sports report. Its innovations in magazine technology, particularly in the development of … Continued

St. Louis Post Dispatch

Joseph Pulitzer, editor and publisher of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, accepted for that newspaper’s response to challenges confronting afternoon newspapers. A bold new printing technology met and overcame distribution problems at the Post-Dispatch. The newspaper continues to believe in its responsibility to serve society and its own community; it continues to be devoted to the … Continued