Wanta Elected Vice President of National Journalism Education Organization
Columbia, Mo. (May 13, 2004) — Wayne Wanta has been elected vice president of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication for the 2004-05 academic year. He will become president-elect in 2005-06 and president in 2006-07.

Wanta will be the second AEJMC president from the Missouri School of Journalism. Earl F. English, a former dean of the School, served in 1953.
Wanta serves as a professor in the editorial department and director of the University of Missouri Center for a Digital Globe.
In 1995 Wanta received AEJMC’s Krieghbaum Under-40 award “outstanding achievement in research, teaching and public service.” He currently serves on the national journalism Accrediting Council and was twice elected to the Teaching Standards Committee for the organization.
Wanta is an active researcher in political communication and media effects. Much of his research examines how news coverage of issues influences the public’s perceptions of those issues. Wanta also has conducted research in visual communication, sports journalism, Internet use and effects and negative political advertising. Among his research accomplishments are one scholarly book, seven book chapters, more than 40 journal articles and more than 60 conference papers.
AEJMC is a non-profit, educational association of journalism and mass communication faculty, administrators, students and media professionals. Founded in Chicago in 1912, AEJMC has some 3,500 members around the world.
Updated: March 16, 2020