4 Finalists for Dean’s Position Announced

All Will Participate in a Campus Interview and Open Forum
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 2, 2015) — The four finalists for the position of Dean of the Missouri School of Journalism were announced today by Provost Garnett Stokes and Deputy Provost Ken Dean.
All will participate in a campus interview as outlined below. The time, date and location of each finalist’s open forum will be posted once the details are confirmed.
The finalists are:
Sonya Forte Duhé
Director and Professor
School of Mass Communication
Loyola University
- Campus Visit: Feb. 11-14
- Q-and-A with Alumni Session: 3-3:45 p.m., Thursday, February 12, Lambert Room (RJI 200A)
- To join the discussion, call toll-free from the U.S. and Canada: 866-357-7737. International dial-in number: 763-515-8933. Conference code: 8960052747.
- Open Forum: 4-5 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 12, in 201 Cornell Hall (Bush Auditorium)
- To view the event via live streaming, go to http://rjionline.org/live
- Those not attending can send in questions at this Twitter hashtag: ?#mojodean
David D. Kurpius
Professor, Manship School of Mass Communication
Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management
Louisiana State University
- Campus Visit: Feb. 15-18
- Q-and-A with Alumni Session: Due to the inclement weather, this session has been cancelled. Alumni are encouraged to view the live streaming of the open forum and participate via Twitter.
- Open Forum: 4-5 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 17, 6 Hulston Hall, School of Law
- To view the event via live streaming, go to http://rjionline.org/live
- Those not attending can send in questions at this Twitter hashtag: ?#mojodean
Esther Thorson
Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Study
Research Director, Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute
University of Missouri
- Campus Visit: Feb. 22-24
- Q-and-A with Alumni Session: 3-3:45 p.m., Monday, February 23, Lambert Room (RJI 200A)
- To join the discussion, call toll-free from the U.S. and Canada: 866-357-7737. International dial-in number: 763-515-8933. Conference code: 8960052747.
- Open Forum: 4-5 p.m., Monday, Feb. 23, Great Room, Reynolds Alumni Center
- To view the event via live streaming, go to http://rjionline.org/live
- Those not attending can send in questions at this Twitter hashtag: ?#mojodean
Thor Wasbotten
Director and Professor
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Kent State University
- Campus Visit: Feb. 25-28
- Q-and-A with Alumni Session: 3-3:45 p.m., Thursday, February 26, Lambert Room (RJI 200A)
- To join the discussion, call toll-free from the U.S. and Canada: 866-357-7737. International dial-in number: 763-515-8933. Conference code: 8960052747.
- Open Forum: 4-5 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 26, Leadership Auditorium, 2501 Student Center
- To view the event via live streaming, go to http://rjionline.org/live
- Those not attending can send in questions at this Twitter hashtag: ?#mojodean
Updated: July 31, 2020