Shawn Wallace Wins Campus Advising Shout Out Award
The Honor Recognizes the Impact of Undergraduate Advisors on Students’ Lives
By Yue Tang

Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 21, 2017) — Missouri School of Journalism academic adviser Shawn Wallace is the winner of the Advising Shout Out Award for January 2017. Sponsored by the University of Missouri Advisors Forum, the campus-wide honor recognizes undergraduate advisers for the impact they make on students’ lives. Wallace received a $25 gift certificate to a local restaurant as part of his recognition.
Wallace began working at the School in 2002, first as membership coordinator for the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW) and later as office support for J-Net and the student services office. He moved into the role of an undergraduate advisor in 2004.
The nominator cited Wallace’s encouragement, concern for students and overall guidance as worthy of recognition.
“I never thought I would see a rise in my GPA almost three years ago, but it has improved greatly since then due to Shawn’s encouragement,” the nominator said. “I am now a junior who is on track to graduate on time, and I could not have made it to this point without the help of Shawn and his guidance.”
Dean David Kurpius congratulated Wallace on being selected for this award and for the nominations of two other members of the School’s advising staff: Pete Ozias and Janet Sievel.
“Thanks for helping our students succeed every day,” he said. “You and your peers in the J-School do a great job.”
Updated: October 13, 2020