3 Journalism Advisers Nominated for MU Advising Excellence Award
Students Nominate Urska Lenart, Janet Sievel and Shawn Wallace for Help with Reaching Goals
By Annie Rees

Columbia, Mo. (May 6, 2015) — Missouri School of Journalism advisers Urska Lenart, Janet Sievel and Shawn Wallace were among the 15 advisers at the University of Missouri who were nominated for 2015 Excellence in Professional Advising Awards.
The Advising Awards are bestowed on one nominee in Faculty Advising and one nominee in Professional Advising. The Advising Awards celebrate advisers who are particularly successful at assisting students in the development and accomplishment of meaningful educational and life goals, according to the mission statement of the MU Advisers’ Forum.
Lenart joined the School of Journalism advising team in 2008; Sievel, in 2007; and Wallace, in 2005.
The Advisers Forum, with the support of the MU Provost Office, established the Excellence in Advising Awards in 1995 to promote and encourage recognition of outstanding advising service to the students of the University of Missouri.
Advisers from the College of Arts & Science, College of Business, College of Education, School of Health Professions and College of Human Environment Sciences also were nominated for the Excellence in Advising Award for Professional Advising.
Updated: September 8, 2020