Missouri Honor Medal Recipients to Share Expertise, Experience During Oct. 2 Master Classes

All Master Classes Are Free and Open to the Public
Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 9, 2019) — The recipients of the 2019 Missouri Honor Medal for Distinguished Service will speak about their areas of expertise in a daylong series of master classes on Wednesday, Oct. 2. The presentations will begin at 10 a.m. at the Missouri School of Journalism. All of the classes are free and open to the public.
The three individuals and one advertising agency will receive their medal during an evening banquet on Wednesday, Oct. 2, at The State Historical Society’s Center for Missouri Studies, 605 Elm St., on the University of Missouri campus. Those interested in purchasing a ticket to the dinner should contact Robin K. Nichols.
The master classes, scheduled times and locations are:
- 10 to 10:50 a.m.
“The Thought Behind the Ad,” presented by McGhee Osse, co-CEO of Burrell Communications.
Location: Fisher Auditorium in Gannett Hall. - 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
“Why Reporting Matters in an Age of Opinion and Snark,” presented by Dean Baquet, executive editor of The New York Times.
Location: Fisher Auditorium in Gannett Hall. - 2 to 3:15 p.m.
“The New Muckrakers: Trust, Technology and Teamwork Can Reveal a Global Truth,” presented by Marina Walker Guevara, deputy director of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.
Location: Fred W. Smith Forum in the Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism. - 3:30-4:45 p.m.
“Directing and Producing Historical Documentaries,” presented by Stanley Nelson, documentary filmmaker.
Location: Fred W. Smith Forum, Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism.
Updated: November 10, 2020