Strategic Communication Career Fair Provides Students Job, Internship Opportunities
Columbia, Mo. (March 13, 2009) — Resumes and portfolios in hand, more than 200 students buzzed around the Missouri School of Journalism’s 2009 Strategic Communication Career Fair in February. Recruiters from more than 20 companies and organizations visited with interested applicants in Stotler Lounge in Memorial Union on the University of Missouri campus, hoping to hire … Continued
Upcoming Seminar Will Focus on Improving Print and Electronic Publications
The Missouri Association of Publications 5th Anniversary Publishing Summit Will Be Held March 5 and 6 in Columbia Columbia, Mo. (Jan. 29, 2009) — A slate of award-winning journalists will discuss how to enhance print and electronic publications at the upcoming Missouri Association of Publications 5th Anniversary Publishing Summit. The event will be held Thursday … Continued
St. Louis PBS Station to Air University of Missouri President’s Roundtable Discussion on Sunday, Jan. 18
Top Executives, Communication Experts Discussed Changing Communications Landscape during the Recent Missouri Journalism Centennial/Dedication Celebration Columbia, Mo. (Jan. 15, 2009) — A spirited, thought-provoking discussion of how evolving communication tools, technologies and techniques are changing the world will premiere at 1 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 18, on KETC/Channel 9 in St. Louis, the nation’s most watched … Continued
Journalism School to Recognize 134 Graduates during Fall Commencement
Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 16, 2008) — The Missouri School of Journalism will recognize its 134 fall graduates during commencement ceremonies at 6 p.m., Friday, Dec. 19, at Jesse Auditorium in Jesse Hall. Family and friends of the graduates do not need tickets to attend. Seating will be open. Graduate degrees will be awarded to 40 … Continued
Ornaments Depicting the Missouri School of Journalism and Reynolds Journalism Institute Will Decorate the 2008 Missouri State Tree in Washington, D.C.
Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 19, 2008) — The 2008 Missouri State Tree in the Pathway of Peace will be adorned with official ornaments depicting the Missouri School of Journalism, the world’s first, founded in 1908, and the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute, which was dedicated Sept. 12. The Pathway of Peace, which surrounds the National Christmas … Continued
New York Alumni to Host a Discussion on the Next Century of Journalism
Missouri School of Journalism Graduates to Lead the Dec. 4 Conversation Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 14, 2008) — New York alumni and guests can meet with friends and network while participating in an interactive discussion about the next century of journalism during an upcoming event. The meeting of the New York City chapter of the Mizzou Alumni … Continued
Missouri School of Journalism to Host National Press Club Forum on Journalism’s Future and Values
For More Information: Gil Klein, National Press Club 703-338-2721 Washington, D.C. (Oct. 21, 2008) — The National Press Club, the world’s leading professional organization for journalists, and the Missouri School of Journalism are teaming up to look at the future of the news media and how to protect its core values. The Monday, Oct. 27 … Continued
Gifts from Chinese Guests Express Respect and Admiration for the World’s First School of Journalism on the Occasion of the Centennial/Dedication Celebration
Symbolic Items Include a Carved Sandalwood Tiger, a Jade Seal and Embroidered Cloths More than 40 Chinese news media and academic officials attended the recent centennial/dedication celebration, bringing special gifts to express their congratulations and appreciation for the century-long relationship they have enjoyed with the Missouri School of Journalism. In this article, Ernest Zhang, coordinator … Continued
Top Executives, Communication Experts Gather to Discuss Future of Interactive Communications
Event Featuring University of Missouri President Gary Forsee Free and Open to the Public Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 8, 2008) — Top corporate leaders, journalists and strategic communicators will gather with citizens Sept. 12 for a spirited, free-flowing roundtable discussion about the future of communications during the centennial celebration of the Missouri School of Journalism and … Continued
Full-Color, Hardbound Commemorative Book to Document Missouri Journalism History and Legacy
Sponsor Generosity Allows Centennial/Dedication Registrants to Receive Book for Free Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 8, 2008) — Thanks to the generosity of two major sponsors, the history, pride and influence of the world’s first school of journalism and its alumni will be brought to life in a new keepsake book to be published at the end … Continued