News Releases
Tim Vos Wins Research Award
By Kody Ferrin Columbia, Mo. (July 7, 2016) — Studying how journalism is practiced around the world presents a number of problems for scholars; different kinds of government, the economic status of the country and other such factors all affect the role of journalism in societies. Now, a new model, created in part by Associate … Continued
St. Louis Press Club Awards Scholarships to 6 Missouri Journalism Students
They Received a Combined Total of $11,500 During a Luncheon at the International Photography Hall of Fame St. Louis (July 6, 2016) — The St. Louis Press Club and the Journalism Foundation of Metropolitan St. Louis have awarded scholarships to six Missouri School of Journalism students. The students received a combined total of $11,500 during the … Continued
Missouri Business Alert Launches a Free E-newsletter for Entrepreneurs
Missouri Journalism Students Staff ‘The Weekend Accelerator’ Columbia, Mo. (July 6, 2016) — Missouri Business Alert, a student-staffed, professionally-managed online business news publication housed in the Missouri School of Journalism, announces the launch of its latest news offering, The Weekend Accelerator. The first issue of the free e-newsletter, which focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation in … Continued
Kellogg Foundation Awards $432,000 Grant to Support Regional Health Fellowship Program
The Weeklong Boot Camp Serves as an Advanced Reporting Class for Missouri Journalism Students Columbia, Mo. (July 6, 2016) — The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF) has awarded a three-year $432,000 grant to the Center for Excellence in Health Care Journalism, the educational arm of the Association of Health Care Journalists, to support a popular national … Continued
Humans of Strat Comm: Sydney Olson
Columbia, Mo. (July 6, 2016) — Sometimes being different is what creates life-changing experiences. For senior Sydney Olson, the difference came with her path within the strategic communication world. While most of her friends dream of being employed at some of the top advertising agencies, Sydney dreams of working on the client side – preferably … Continued
First Day as Associate Dean
Columbia, Mo. (July 5, 2016) — My first day as associate dean of Graduate Studies was pretty calm. It helped that it was Friday, July 1, the lead-in to a three-day holiday weekend. That being said, we have been very busy during the transition. Katharine Appuhn-Hodges joined the staff in June as a senior academic … Continued
Kandice Head Selected for #NABJNAHJ16 Student Multimedia Project
The National Convention Will Be Held in Washington on Aug. 1-6 Washington (June 30, 2016) — Kandice Head, BJ ’16, is among the nationwide pool of students who will participate in the Student Multimedia Project during the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) Convention and Career Fair … Continued
Research Takeaways
Columbia, Mo. (June 30, 2016) — One of the things that distinguishes the Missouri School of Journalism is the opportunity for all – from undergraduates to master’s and doctoral students – to be involved in the research process. In June, students, faculty and alumni presented 50 papers at the International Communication Association annual conference in … Continued
KBIA-FM Wins 2 National Awards for Best Work in Public Radio in the US
The Honors Recognize Stories in the Breaking News and News/Public Affairs Program Categories St. Louis (June 30, 2016) — KBIA-FM was honored with two first-place awards from the national Public Radio News Directors Inc. competition at an awards banquet in St. Louis on Saturday. The awards honor the best work in public radio across the … Continued
Insight on Internships
5 Questions with Daniel Shapiro The Missouri School of Journalism hopes to shine a light on some of our amazing students currently interning around the nation. Meet Daniel Shapiro, a second-year graduate student studying documentary journalism. Shapiro earned his undergraduate degree at Missouri in Convergence Journalism. (Interview by Sophia Lauriello and Chad Brewster.) Where are … Continued