Family of 1910 Journalism Graduate Provides Gift to School

Columbia, Mo. (April 25, 2005) — The family of Robin Gould, BJ ’10, has endowed a gift at the Missouri School of Journalism. Gould was a member of the School’s first graduation class. The monies will be used to advance faculty research at the Journalism School. Gould’s daughter, Mrs. Virgel Dent Jr.; son, Warren Gould; … Continued

Four Missouri School of Journalism Minority Students Awarded Scholarship from Wal-Mart

Columbia, Mo. (April 25, 2005) — Four outstanding minority Missouri School of Journalism students received a $2,500 scholarship from Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. They are Heather Apodaca, Yolanda Coleman, Brenda Escobar and Patrick Nagle. The Missouri School of Journalism is one of 10 select journalism programs nationwide to receive $50,000 from Wal-Mart for minority scholarships. The … Continued

John Schneller, Journalism Professor, Receives Kemper Award

Columbia, Mo. (April 25, 2005) — John Schneller, Missouri School of Journalism Assistant Professor and metro editor of the Columbia Missourian, has been awarded the William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence. “From the moment John Schneller arrives on campus each day until the time he goes home – 10 to 12 hours later – every word … Continued

Design of NewSunday Receives Award of Excellence

Columbia, Mo. (April 22, 2005) — The Columbia Missourian received an award of excellence for its redesign of the NewSunday section by the Society for News Design. The organization’s 26th Annual Best of Newspaper Design competition honors excellence in design among newspapers of all sizes. The Missourian received an award of excellence in the category of … Continued

406 Graduates to Be Recognized at May Commencement

Columbia, Mo. (April 22, 2005) — The Missouri School of Journalism will recognize 406 graduates at its May commencement ceremonies that will begin at 5:30 p.m., Friday, May 13, in the Hearnes Center. The doctoral degree will be awarded to seven students; 70 will receive the master’s degree. Of the 328 undergraduate candidates, 99 studied … Continued

First Sports Convergence Career Fair to Be Offered

Columbia, Mo. (April 20, 2005) — The Missouri School of Journalism, in conjunction with the University of Missouri-Columbia Athletic Department, is sponsoring the School’s first Sports Convergence Career Fair April 20-21. All events are taking place at the Donald W. Reynolds Alumni Center on the MU campus. Recruiters from ESPN, The Sporting News, the St. … Continued

Missouri Counts 12 Winners, 15+ Awards, in Region 7 SPJ Mark of Excellence Awards

Columbia, Mo. (April 15, 2005) — Eleven students and KOMU were honored with the presentation of the 2004 Mark of Excellence Awards. The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) presents the awards annually to honor the best in student journalism. The Missouri School of Journalism received 19 awards spanning over 13 of the 45 categories for print, radio, … Continued

Upcoming Conversation to Share Good News about Journalism

Columbia, Mo. (April 15, 2005) — American journalism, taken as a whole, is better than its critics admit, and an upcoming conversation will share the many ways that journalism is a force for good in the lives of individuals and the nation. “What Good Is Journalism?” will be held from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., … Continued