Terry Bauman

What do you do? I retired as a stockbroker in 2002. Prior to earning an MBA, I worked in corporate communications and marketing communications for a life insurance company for 11 years. How did you get your job? I got my job by networking through a professional organization of business communications professionals. What made you … Continued

Jenn Ballard

What do you do? I am the education reporter for The Sentinel-Record in Hot Springs, Ark. How did you get your job? I found it on journalismjobs.com before I had finished my journalism degree. What is the best professional lesson you learned at the J-School? I don’t think the journalism school teaches you how to … Continued

Jesse Baker

It was a love of storytelling that first brought Jesse Baker to the Missouri School of Journalism. And, by any account, she had plenty of stories to tell. From living in Hawaii, backpacking through Europe, sleeping for a night on the streets in Brussels, spending time in Lithuania, traveling up and down the Pacific coast … Continued

Gail F. Baker

Life on the Leading Edge: The Story of Dean Gail F. Baker, PhD ’91 Gail F. Baker, PhD ’91, APR, Fellow PRSA (Public Relations Society of America), calls it the highlight of her career thus far. She began the 2006-07 academic year as the newly appointed dean of the one-year-old College of Communication, Fine Arts … Continued

Meredith Artley

Senior vice president and editor-in-chief of CNN Digital Worldwide Meredith Artley, BJ ’95, has nothing but fond memories of Missouri. “I am proud to be Missourian,” says Artley. “I love the university and the state and what they stand for.” Having grown up in what she describes as a “tight-knit, very social neighborhood” in North … Continued

Howard Alexander

What do you do? For the past five years I have been running a speakers’ bureau for a three-hospital medical center in Scottsdale, Ariz. I arrange for medical experts to discuss health and wellness topics with local civic groups. You might say I’m the “casting director” for the hospital system. How did you get your … Continued

Christopher Abel

What do you do? I am a certified financial planner and personal/business growth coach running a company based in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas, that helps hundreds every year achieve their financial, fitness, family and business goals. My company both educates and motivates using proven techniques often overlooked as individuals get lost in the mainstream of life. … Continued