Missouri Journalism Students, Columbia Missourian Win 7 Awards in Associated Press Sports Editors Contest

The National Competition, Judged by Professional Sports Editors, Recognizes Excellence Columbia, Mo. (March 27, 2014) — The work of six Missouri School of Journalism students and the Columbia Missourian won seven top national honors in the annual Associated Press Sports Editors‘ writing and sections contest that were judged recently in Indianapolis. The winning entries highlighted … Continued

Jessica Anania and Sky Chadde Win Dean’s Award for Personality Profile in Mastering the Method Contest

Winning Stories Selected from 52 Entries Columbia, Mo. (March 21, 2014) — Jessica Anania and Sky Chadde are the winners of the Dean’s Award for the personality profile category in the Mastering the Method contest at the Missouri School of Journalism. The contest recognizes outstanding work by undergraduates in the areas of broadcast, multimedia, photography … Continued

Updating the Missouri Method with Rapid Iteration, Multiplatform Delivery

By Jim Flink This is the second installment of Jim Flink‘s coverage of his new multiplatform experiment at the Missouri School of Journalism. Check out his opening piece that ran in February. Originally published to PBS MediaShift; used by permission. What causes species to migrate? Inhospitable conditions? A yearning for home? A longing for greener pastures? In the … Continued

ESPN Sports Anchor Cara Capuano Speaks to Missouri AWSM Members

Patience, Positivity, Persistence and Passion Are Keys to Success in the Sports Broadcast Business, She Says By Rebecca Dell Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 27, 2014) — Cara Capuano of ESPN met with University of Missouri members of the Association for Women in Sports Media (AWSM) during her recent trip to Columbia. Capuano, in town to call … Continued

Sam Gause Wins First Place in National Hearst Narrative Multimedia Storytelling Competition for ‘Transitions in Flight’ Feature

His Work Competed Against 69 Entries from 42 Schools Around the Nation San Francisco (Feb. 6, 2014) — Sam Gause won first place in the Narrative Multimedia Storytelling – Features category of the national Hearst Journalism Awards Program. Judges selected Gause’s piece, “Transitions in Flight, Marvin Chapman Finds Peace in Birding,” as the top submission … Continued