Pat Smith Is Honored with the MU 2010 International Engagement Award
Columbia, Mo. (April 26, 2010) — The University of Missouri Council on International Initiatives (CII) has selected Pat Smith as a recipient of its 2010 International Engagement Award.
The International Engagement Award, which is presented annually to select honorees, recognizes exemplary contributions by MU faculty, staff and students who are working to sustain and extend the University’s global reach and understanding.

Smith is the managing editor of “Global Journalist,” a magazine devoted to international news and journalistic initiatives, particularly to further development and maintenance of a free press. She supervises students who produce the quarterly publication and the associated website.
“Pat Smith has engaged students and faculty members in initiatives throughout the world through her work on ‘Global Journalist,’ her membership in several international news organizations, her co-chairmanship of the North American Committee of the International Press Institute and board of directors of the organization,” said Stuart Loory, the magazine’s editor and the Lee Hills Chair in Free Press Studies. “She has been a role model for those working to engage the University throughout the world.”
Smith has worked on both newspapers and magazines during her 30-year career in journalism, and she co-teaches the international magazine staff class. She has served as an editor, reporter, writer and art director in addition to her work as a designer and consultant for numerous communication projects.

Smith also serves on graduate students’ professional projects committees.
“Global Journalist” recently celebrated its 10th anniversary as a weekly radio program, and has been in print publication since 1998. “Global Journalist Live” is a real-time program that is webcast live at 8:30 a.m. CST on Thursdays at, the Web site of the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute. It starts with a 30-minute discussion of a current international issue, and the program remains open on the website for another half hour so viewers can call in (573-882-0014) or send questions via e-mail. A rebroadcast of the discussion-only segment airs on the “Global Journalist” program on KBIA at 6:30 p.m. the same day. It is the station’s most-downloaded program for podcast. Smith works in concert with Missouri School of Journalism graduate students, who help produce the program.
Smith, MA ’82, earned her bachelor of science degree from the University of Nebraska.
The International Engagement Award is presented in agreement with MU’s International Expectations, which strive in part to “demonstrate a marked increase in the volume of externally funded international research, education and outreach activities.”
The award was publicly announced April 21 at an MU International Center event at the Fred W. Smith Forum at RJI.
Updated: May 8, 2020