Research Conducted by the Center for Advanced Social Research Receives National Recognition for Excellence
Columbia, Mo. (June 14, 2010) — The national Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) has recognized research conducted by the Center for Advanced Social Research (CASR) for excellence in data collection and dissemination efforts for The Missouri Green Jobs Report.

The C2ER awards program recognizes the contribution of research activities to the success of local, regional or state economic development initiatives. The purpose of the award is to increase the quality of economic development research by identifying meritorious projects and promoting the diffusion of creative ideas for research activities.
Projects were judged on their contributions to the economic development research field, innovativeness in approach, implementation or collaborative efforts, responsiveness to customer needs and benefits resulting from project implementation.
CASR, a research arm of the Reynolds Journalism Institute and the Missouri School of Journalism, collaborated with the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center, which works in a similar capacity for the Missouri Department of Economic Development, on the project. A total of 2,537 telephone interviews with managers/owners of a cross section of businesses in Missouri were conducted from July to August 2009. Ken Fleming serves as CASR’s director.
The Missouri Green Jobs Report constituted Missouri’s first survey of green-identified employers and quantified the number of green jobs in the state. In addition, the report focused on the number and characteristics of green occupations in Missouri including the in-demand skill sets required for maintaining a just-in-time talent pipeline for green industry sectors.
Early results from the report played a critical role in the application of several competitive American Recovery and Reinvestment Act green jobs training grants for the state of Missouri, two of which have already been awarded: Missouri Labor Market Information Improvement Grant and the Missouri State Energy Sector Partnership Grant.
Updated: May 12, 2020