Brian Smith

Brian Smith

Freelance Photographer BJ '81
Alex M. Smith

Alex M. Smith

Reporter, Author BJ '14
John Somerville

John Somerville

Retired BJ '42
MU Logo

Mickey Spagnola

Columnist BJ ’75
Pat Spence

Pat Spence

Director, Department of Student Publications BJ '68
Jason Stallman

Jason Stallman

Sports Editor BJ '97 (News-Editorial)
Lincoln Stephens

Lincoln Stephens

Executive Director/Co-Founder BJ '03
Sonja Steptoe

Sonja Steptoe

Director of Marketing and Communications AB '82, BJ '82
Judy Anderson Stiles

Judy Anderson Stiles

General Manager, KGCS-TV BJ '80 (MA '88, Pittsburg State University)
Sandi Straetker

Sandi Straetker

Owner and Principal BJ '89
Kathleen Strand

Kathleen Strand

Head of External Relations BJ '01
Kathryn Stroppel

Kathryn Stroppel

Director of Communications and Alumni Relations BJ '94