11 Missouri Journalism Students Receive Mark of Excellence Awards from the Society of Professional Journalists

Columbia, Mo. (April 30, 2008) — The Society of Professional Journalists recently honored 11 Missouri School of Journalism students’ reporting skills with 20 Mark of Excellence awards. Eleven stories from all of the School’s student-staffed outlets won first-place awards in the 2008 Region 7 competition, allowing them to advance to the national competition. In addition, nine … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism Senior Makes Worldwide Impact with 14-part Autism Series on KOMU

Columbia, Mo. (March 6, 2008) — Missouri School of Journalism radio-television journalism senior Ashley Reynolds will enter the job market after graduating this December with an impressive resume credential under her belt – a 14-part series on autism that not only reached an estimated 150,000 viewers in the mid-Missouri area, but also received worldwide attention … Continued

Missouri Broadcasters Association Awards KOMU, KBIA Top Honors

Broadcast Newsrooms Create Real-Life Lab Experiences for Missouri School of Journalism Students Columbia, Mo. (June 15, 2007) — The Missouri Broadcasters Association (MBA) recently awarded KOMU and KBIA top honors in several categories of its annual television and radio contest. KOMU won best newscast, weathercast and feature reporting, while KBIA won best news series and feature … Continued

Woelfel Wins $10,000 O.O. McIntyre Professorship

Columbia, Mo. (May 31, 2007) — Radio-television instructor and KOMU news director Stacey Woelfel recently won the 2007 O.O. McIntyre Professorship for excellence in teaching given by the Missouri School of Journalism. The professorship carries a $10,000 salary supplement for the next academic year. Woelfel, a 1981 graduate of the School, joined the faculty in … Continued

KOMU Earns Regional Edward R. Murrow Award

“Immigration In-Depth” Wins Best News Series, KOMU’s Fourth in Five Years Columbia, Mo. (April 23, 2007) — The Radio-Television News Directors Association (RTNDA) recently awarded KOMU-TV a regional Edward R. Murrow Award for Best News Series, the station’s fourth Murrow in five years. KOMU, an NBC affiliate, is the only university-owned commercial television station in the … Continued

RTNDA Student Members Visit Kansas City Television Stations

Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 15, 2006) — Seventeen members of the Radio Television News Directors Association (RTNDA) student chapter at the Missouri School of Journalism had the opportunity to learn about news operations at two Kansas City television stations during a recent trip. The visits allowed students to compare the real-world media experience they receive as part of … Continued

Collaborative Merge of KBIA, KOMU and the Missourian Newsrooms Creates a New Convergence Experience for Students

By Alexandra Rampy Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 10, 2006) — Missouri Journalism students and faculty from all areas of study recently participated in a groundbreaking convergence project called “Smart Decision,” a multimedia Web site that provided in-depth coverage of the 2006 state and local mid-term elections. Smart Decision, which launched earlier this semester, gave students across all … Continued

Radio-Television Journalism Faculty, Student Win MBA Excellence Awards

By Allison Mang Columbia, Mo. (June 21, 2006) — Four radio-television journalism faculty members and a recent graduate of the Missouri School of Journalism captured two first-place awards and two certificates of merit for excellence in journalism in the Missouri Broadcasters Association‘s annual competition. “When our faculty and staff members win awards, as they have done … Continued