Missouri Method
Leaders’ Day Prepares High School Journalists for Editorial Excellence
Faculty Shared Best Practices in Political, Trauma and Cross-Cultural Reporting By Maris Smith Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 27, 2016) — High school students and advisers from across the state gathered at the University of Missouri to engage in conversations about political, trauma and cross-cultural reporting during the second annual Missouri Journalism Education Association Leaders’ Day on … Continued
Meet New J-Students: Micki Hirschhorn
By Katie Pylipow Micki Hirschhorn has a strong passion for journalism. That passion has already led her to co-anchor the broadcast news program at her high school, be a senior writing editor of her school’s newspaper and help conceptualize and bring to fruition two award-winning documentaries. And now, she says, that passion has led her to the … Continued
School to Host Open House During MU’s Family Weekend
Presentations, Classes, Tours and More Will Be Available on Friday, Sept. 23 Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 14, 2016) — The Missouri School of Journalism will host an open house on Friday, Sept. 23, for students in journalism and their families. The event is held in conjunction with Family Weekend, sponsored by the University of Missouri. A variety … Continued
School to Join National Reporting Network for 2016 Election
Students in the ‘Online Audience Development’ Course Will Monitor, Flag and Report on Problems that Emerge on Social Media New York (Sept. 8, 2016) — The Missouri School of Journalism will join what is expected to be one of the biggest newsrooms in America for the 2016 election. The School is one of 13 journalism … Continued
Insights on Internships: Classes That Helped
With the fall 2016 semester coming up, are you having trouble finding the perfect class that will help you get your dream internship? We talked to some Missouri School of Journalism students who worked as interns across the country and asked them, “What class best prepared you for your internship?” Here are the classes that … Continued
Missouri Method: What’s New at Vox Magazine
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 2, 2016) — Aspiring movie critic Max Havey can tell you in 60 seconds if a new movie is worth seeing. The Snapchat video reviews this master’s student does for Vox Magazine spotlights mainstream blockbusters along with films from Ragtag Cinema, Columbia’s prime venue for independent documentaries. Havey is at a movie … Continued
Alumni Spotlight: Lauren Steele
Columbia, Mo. (July 22, 2016) — Lauren Steele, BJ ’14, believes in saying yes. After graduating, she said yes to her dream job at Outside magazine. She then traveled to New York City to become a freelance writer before she said yes to becoming one of Columbia Sportswear‘s “Directors of Toughness.” As a freelancer, lifelong … Continued
97 Percent of 2015 Missouri Journalism Graduates Are Working or in Graduate School
The Annual Survey Represents a Cross-Section of Students from All Undergraduate Emphasis Areas Columbia, Mo. (June 22, 2016) — In a survey of 2015 Missouri School of Journalism graduates, 97 percent said they have jobs or are in graduate school. A total of 77 percent said they have full-time employment; 11.5 percent have paid part-time … Continued
MOJO Ad wraps up its semester, announces new staff and client
Columbia, Mo. (June 6, 2016) — MOJO Ad celebrated the accomplishments of spring on May 5 at the semi-annual Hello/Goodbye event, welcoming in the new staff and announcing the new client for the 2016-17 academic year. This semester’s Hello/Goodbye party used the comedy film “Dodgeball” as the inspiration for its theme. Current and incoming staffers … Continued
Meredith Corp. Executives Praise Students’ 2 New Magazines Prototypes
Publications to Focus on Needs of Modern Black Families and Simplifying Millennials’ Finances Des Moines, Iowa (May 16, 2016) — Missouri School of Journalism students from two capstone classes, Magazine Publishing and Advanced Design, joined forces to create prototypes for two new magazines that they formally presented to Meredith Corp. executives, editors and designers in … Continued