Fall 2016 @Mizzou: Convergence Students Learn How to Produce Multimedia Stories

By Alex Gnibus
Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 8, 2016) — Hannah Sandfeld, a junior studying convergence TV reporting, tracks down sources for her multimedia package on a proposal to increase taxes on tobacco products in Missouri.
Every other week in her Convergence Reporting class, Sandfeld and her teammates execute a complete package from start to finish, including text, audio/video, photos, social media and infographics. From pitching stories to producing them, Sandfeld says convergence journalism students learn how to do the jobs of about five different people in a professional newsroom. She came to MU from southern California for that exact reason: to get the professional experience of creating cutting-edge work for real newsroom on very real deadlines. “In the end, the minute after a deadline, you realize that you’ve accomplished something in a week that takes some national news organizations a month to complete,” Sandfeld says. Photo by Alex Gnibus.
Updated: October 9, 2020