News Releases
Access Missouri Receives $35,000 Knight Foundation Grant
KBIA-FM, Others Will Use Funding to Support Missouri Government Data Access Columbia, Mo. (March 7, 2016) — Access Missouri has received a $35,000 grant from the Knight Foundation Knight Prototype Fund. The project is designed to help journalists and the general public easily find accurate and current Missouri state government information. The funding will help … Continued
STRANjERS: Sandy Davidson
It’s smart, passionate, resilient, quirky and creative people who make the Missouri School of Journalism so special. Meet them in “STRANjERS.” Sandy Davidson (with Harley Davidson) Professor of Journalism Curator’s Teaching Professor Adjunct Professor, MU School of Law “Harley Davidson I saw at the shelter. He was sick and was really skinny. I had given … Continued
Missouri Students Team Up with Associated Press to Produce Virtual Reality View of the New York City Subway
Columbia, Mo. (March 1, 2016) – A team of three Missouri School of Journalism students – Berkeley Lovelace Jr., Taylor Nakagawa and Haley Reed – went underground to report on a collaborative project with The Associated Press. Students joined forces with the Associated Press through their capstone class in convergence journalism at the School and their … Continued
2 Events Prepared Strategic Communication Students for Career Fair
Experts Shared Advice About Resumes, Portfolios and LinkedIn By Eimear Arkins and Jamie Ras Columbia, Mo. (March 1, 2016) — MOJO Ad recently hosted a series of preparatory events planned and executed by students, for students, in preparation for the 2016 Strategic Communication Career Fair. Almost 50 advertising and public relations companies participated in the Feb. … Continued
Applications Now Accepted to the Missouri Urban Journalism Workshop
The July 9-17 Summer Workshop Is Open to High School Students By Ashley Szatala Columbia, Mo. (March 1, 2016) — High school students interested in journalism can experience the thrill of creating stories at the upcoming Missouri Urban Journalism Workshop. The 2016 MUJW will be offered July 9-17 at the Missouri School of Journalism. Applications … Continued
DC Symposium to Explore Diversity, Inclusion, First Amendment
Missouri-Hurley Symposium Will Be Held March 17 in Washington Columbia, Mo. (March 1, 2016) — What happens when a news story about racial discord, university leadership and academic freedom becomes an international sensation on social media and attracts dozens of news organizations to Missouri? What did faculty and students of the world’s first journalism school … Continued
Speaker Tells Students to Use Data, Build Trust When Covering Race
Nikole Hannah-Jones Presents Reporting on Race in the Age of Black Lives Matter By Ashley Szatala Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 29, 2016) — Throughout the fall semester, Missouri School of Journalism students received more on-the-job learning and training than some journalists gain in a decade. Demonstrations by Concerned Student 1950, administrative resignations and profiles of courage … Continued
Forbes Partners with School-Based Foundation to Offer Edit Fellowship to Forbes Foreign Reporter
Recipient of the Forbes Alfred Friendly Press Partners Fellowship at the Missouri School of Journalism Is Thobile Hans, Forbes Africa Published by Forbes Business Feb. 22, 2016 New York (February 22, 2016) — Forbes Media announced today its partnership with U.S. Journalism Foundation Alfred Friendly Press Partners to offer an editorial fellowship in the U.S. … Continued
Tim Tai Places in Top 10 in National Hearst Multimedia Competition
The Senior Photojournalism Major Is Recognized for His Video Work By Kiara Ealy Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 25, 2016) — Missouri School of Journalism senior Timothy Tai placed ninth in the Multimedia One/Features Competition of the 2015-16 Hearst Journalism Awards Program. A total of 72 entries from 42 schools were among the competition in the first … Continued
Strategic Communication Capstone Courses Set New Enrollment Record
AdZou and MOJO Ad Offer Extended Range of Services to Wide Range of Clients By Patrick LeBeau Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 18, 2016) — With 250 students enrolled, spring 2016 is a record breaker for the strategic communication capstone courses. MOJO Ad is working on a campaign for Bengay, the muscle and joint pain relief product … Continued