News Releases
$6.7 Million Gift Funds New Documentary Journalism Program at MU
New Program Made Possible by Gift from Bunim/Murray Productions Chairman and MU Alumnus Jonathan Murray Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 11, 2014) — The University of Missouri today announced a gift of $6.7 million from Jonathan Murray, an Emmy Award-winning MU alumnus and chairman of Bunim/Murray Productions, to create a documentary journalism program in the Missouri School … Continued
Missouri School of Journalism Dean to Retire in August
By Christian Basi MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 6, 2014) — University of Missouri Interim Provost Ken Dean announced today that Dean Mills, dean of the MU School of Journalism, will retire effective Aug. 31, 2014. Mills, who has served in this position for 25 years, is the longest current serving dean at MU. … Continued
Workshops Prepare Students for Strategic Communication Career Fair
Personal Branding, Social Media Presence and Resume Reviews Among the Topics Discussed Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 6, 2014) — Strategic communication students planning to attend the annual Strategic Communication Career Fair recently participated in three workshops designed to develop their professional presence. Missouri School of Journalism students learned about Branding Yourself: How to Keep Your Name … Continued
Sam Gause Wins First Place in National Hearst Narrative Multimedia Storytelling Competition for ‘Transitions in Flight’ Feature
His Work Competed Against 69 Entries from 42 Schools Around the Nation San Francisco (Feb. 6, 2014) — Sam Gause won first place in the Narrative Multimedia Storytelling – Features category of the national Hearst Journalism Awards Program. Judges selected Gause’s piece, “Transitions in Flight, Marvin Chapman Finds Peace in Birding,” as the top submission … Continued
Annie Dankelson to Intern at as Part of Her Selection for the National Sports Journalism Institute
The Columbia Missourian Newsroom Will Host the Boot Camp Portion of the Program By Rebecca Dell Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 6, 2014) — Missouri School of Journalism junior Annie Dankelson has been selected as the Missouri Scholar for the national Sports Journalism Institute. She will participate in the prestigious program’s boot camp before beginning a summer … Continued
Missouri Magazine Journalism Students Learn How to Write, Produce Radio Commentaries
Multimedia Skills Enhance Portfolios and Broaden Career Opportunities By Gwen Girsdansky Master’s Student Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 6, 2014) — Learning how to write radio commentaries that keep listeners in their cars until the end – the so-called “driveway moment” – is part of the Advanced Writing capstone course for magazine students at the Missouri School … Continued
Eli Saslow of The Washington Post Wins Darrell Sifford Memorial Prize in Journalism
The Competition Is Judged by Missouri School of Journalism Faculty Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 6, 2014) — Eli Saslow of The Washington Post is the winner of the Darrell Sifford Memorial Prize in Journalism. Judges at the Missouri School of Journalism cited a collection of his stories as outstanding above all others in our recent contest … Continued
A Section of the Fundamentals of Multimedia Class Uses All-Mobile Reporting Techniques
Missouri Sophomores Learn to Use iPhones, iPads to Capture and Edit High-Quality Multimedia Pieces By Rebecca Dell Columbia, Mo. (Jan. 30, 2014) — This spring, 13 Missouri School of Journalism students will embark on a new kind of class: one that sends them out with just an iPhone or iPad and teaches them to use … Continued
Students Publish Columbia’s Little-Known Secrets in Vox Magazine
The Semester-Long Project Features About 80 Quirky Tidbits in Print, Online and Social Media By Caroline Murray Columbia, Mo. (Jan. 27, 2014) — Approximately 80 quirky little-known secrets about Columbia, Mo., were revealed in a recent issue of Vox Magazine. Among the disclosures: Sparky’s Homemade Ice Cream has served chocolate-covered cicada ice cream. Customers have … Continued
Alumnus Robert S. Leaf Named One of Britain’s 500 Most Influential People
The Elite List Includes the Prince of Wales, Sir Elton John and Others of Achievement and Inspiration London (Jan. 27, 2014) — Robert S. Leaf, BJ ’52, MA ’54, has been named one of Britain’s 500 Most Influential People by The Sunday Times and Debrett’s, a company most famous for its annual catalogue of British … Continued