Missouri Journalism Students, Faculty and Alumni Present Scholarly Research at American Academy of Advertising Conference
The 12 Papers Provide New Knowledge for Advertisers and Educators; 4 Win Top Awards
By Caroline Murray

Columbia, Mo. (April 22, 2014) — Missouri School of Journalism students, faculty and alumni presented 12 scholarly research papers at this year’s annual American Academy of Advertising conference.
In addition, Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, and doctoral student Anna Kim received top awards.
Alhabash, assistant professor of public relations and social media at Michigan State University, was the inaugural recipient of AAA’s Mary Alice Shaver Promising Professor Award, a national award that honors junior faculty who have demonstrated excellence and innovation in advertising teaching and research.
Doctoral student Anna Kim won three awards: the Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award, Best Conference Paper and the Graduate Student Travel Grant.

This was the second year in a row that a Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award was won by a Missouri Journalism doctoral student. Last year, Heather Shoenberger won the award. Esther Thorson, associate dean for graduate studies, advises both students.
“This year has seen a higher turn out of Missouri authors, which is rewarding to see,” said Shelly Rodgers, professor of strategic communication and the 2010 AAA president. “This is exactly what we’ve been building toward. Our students and faculty are doing cutting-edge research in advertising and strategic communication, so it is wonderful to see these efforts recognized at the AAA conference.”
Each of the presenters was a co-author of a scholarly research paper relevant to today’s advertising industry. Authors are at the Missouri School of Journalism unless identified otherwise.
- Best Conference Paper. Consumer Information Processing and Message Strategy – Differential Effectiveness of Promotion vs. Prevention Messages in Acquisition vs. Forfeiture Decision Tasks by Tilottama Ghosh Chowdhury, Quinnipiac; Camelia Micu, Fairfield; Srinivasan Ratneshwar, Missouri; Anna Kim, doctoral student.
- Allocation of Visual Attention to Feature, Benefit and Thematic Sentences in Advertising Copy: An Eye Tracking Approach by Robert Meeds, PhD ’97, Qatar; Olan F. Farnall, Texas Tech.
- Antecedents and Behavioral Consequences of Personal and Societal Norms in Sponsored Stories on Facebook by Joonghwa Lee, PhD ’12, Middle Tennessee State; Soojung Kim, Minnesota; Doyle Yoon, MA ’99, PhD ’03, Oklahoma.
- Emotional Dimensionality and Online Ad Virality: Investigating the Effects of Affective Valence and Content Arousingness on Processing and Effectiveness of Viral Ads by Amy Hagerstrom; Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11; Anastasia Kononova, PhD ’10, all of Michigan State.
- Exploring How Consumers Cope with Online Behavioral Advertising: An Integration of the Persuasion Knowledge Model and the Protection Motivation Theory by Chang-Dae Ham, PhD ’11; Sann Ryu, Illinois-Urbana Champaign.
- Gratitude Toward Free Streaming Video Websites: A Relationship Marketing Perspective by Doyle Yoon, MA ’99, PhD ’03; Sang Chon Kim, both of Oklahoma.
- How Young Adults Manage Privacy When Using Facebook for Organizational Communication: Testing a Privacy Management Model for Social Media by Kyung Jung Han, doctoral student; Joonghwa Lee, PhD ’12, Middle Tennessee State.
- Is It Me or Is It Just Virality?: How Motivational Reactivity, Attitudes, and Viral Behavioral Intentions for Alcohol Marketing Messages on Facebook Predict Drinking Intentions by Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11; Elizabeth Taylor Quilliam, Anna McAlister, Chen Lou, Jef Richards, all of Michigan State.
- Is the Size or the Valence of Social-Interactive Engagement Associated with Purchase Intention? A Case Study of Starbucks’ Blogs by Ye Wang, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Missouri-Kansas City; Fei Qiao, Alabama; Wei Peng, West Texas A&M.
- Prediction of Perceived Online Shopping Benefits and Risks from Trust and Knowledge of Targeting by Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06, doctoral student; Esther Thorson, associate dean of graduate studies.
- Social/Viral Advertising Effects and Influencing Factors – Consumers’ Motivations for Social Networking Site Use and Behavior Toward Advertisements on Facebook by Kara Krisanic, BJ ’07, MA ’08; Shelly Rodgers, professor; Wei Peng, West Texas A&M; Fei Qiao, Alabama.
- Why Does Uncertainty Avoidance Influence CSR Advertising Campaign Effects: Perceived Message Clarity as a Mediator by Soojung Kim, Minnesota; Jiyang Bae, PhD ’06, Catholic University of Daegu.
Hairong Li, who served as a postdoctoral fellow at the School and now teaches at Michigan State, co-chaired a session on “Big Data for Advertising Research and Education.” He also moderated a session on “Methodological Implications of Big Data for Advertising Research.”
Thorson said the high number of University of Missouri researchers presenting at the conference was not all that surprising.
“MU Journalism researchers are dominant at most of the main national meetings of relevance,” Thorson said. “Our strategic communication department is extremely strong in terms of scholarly output, and we have a lot of great advertising going on. Both the students and the faculty who participate in AAA are top-notch.”
AAA is an organization of advertising scholars and professionals with an interest in advertising and advertising education. The 2014 annual conference took place March 27-30 in Atlanta.
Updated: July 24, 2020