News Releases
Missouri School of Journalism Invites Alumni to Homecoming Open House
By Chantel O’Neal Master’s Student Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 6, 2011) — The Missouri School of Journalism will host a Homecoming open house for visiting alumni and their guests on Friday, Oct. 14. Returning graduates are invited to attend a variety of events and activities, from budget meetings at the Columbia Missourian to informal self-guided tours of … Continued
Missouri Journalism Professor Betty Winfield to Be Inducted into Alumni Hall of Fame at the University of Washington
Seattle, Wash. (Sept. 6, 2011) — Missouri School of Journalism Professor Betty Houchin Winfield will be inducted into the University of Washington‘s Communication Alumni Hall of Fame during an Oct. 19 reception. She earned her doctoral degree there in 1978. This recognition is for outstanding alumni who are distinguished for their service and achievements over … Continued
Life Stories: Carl Corbin, BJ ’36
A Member of the “Reveille Seven” Who Challenged Sen. Huey Long over Free Speech Issues in the 1930s In 1935 Dean Frank L. Martin allowed six journalism students expelled from Louisiana State University to enroll at the Missouri School of Journalism. The students were expelled for refusing to allow Sen. Huey Long to censor their newspaper because of a letter to … Continued
Founding President of ONA Mizzou to Participate in National Conference
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 25, 2011) — A founding member of the Online News Association (ONA) at the Missouri School of Journalism will participate in the organization’s national conference in Boston in September. Laura Hibbard, ONA Mizzou’s first president, will provide a student perspective on the panel titled “ONA Local: An Open Source Approach to Community Building.” … Continued
Extreme Negative Anti-Smoking Ads Can Backfire, MU Experts Find
MU Researchers Say Disgusting and Threatening Ads Can Cause Strong Defense Responses from Viewers By Nathan Hurst MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 18, 2011) — Health communicators have long searched for the most effective ways to convince smokers to quit. Now, Missouri School of Journalism researchers have found that using a combination of disturbing … Continued
Jackie Bell Named O.O. McIntyre Professor for 2011
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 4, 2011) — Associate Professor Jackie Bell is the winner of the 2011 O.O. McIntyre Professorship for excellence in teaching, an annual award presented by the Missouri School of Journalism. Bell will receive a $10,000 salary supplement for the upcoming academic year. Bell, who joined the faculty in 2001, teaches photojournalism. Her … Continued
Columbia Missourian’s July 1 Front Page Selected as One of the Nation’s Best by the Newseum
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 4, 2011) — For the first time, a front page of the print Columbia Missourian has been recognized by the Newseum as one of the top 10 best of the day. The Newseum is considered the world’s most interactive news museum. It mixes up-to-the-minute news with centuries of journalism history. The Friday, … Continued
Professor Emeritus Don Ranly Named 2011 IABC All-Star Speaker
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 4, 2011) — Outstanding audience evaluations at the 2011 IABC (International Association of Business Communicators) World Conference in San Diego have earned Professor Emeritus Don Ranly the “IABC Recommended Speaker” designation. This title is given to those who have a favorable rating of 85 percent or higher at the association’s major events. Ranly … Continued
Missouri Journalism Students Collaborate with United Nations and British Council to Release the Video Series “100 Questions About Islam”
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 3, 2011) — Missouri School of Journalism students aided in the creation of a new video series, which provides commentary and insight on current perceptions of Islam and Muslim cultures and the challenges faced in fostering cross-cultural dialogue between Muslim and non-Muslim communities. “100 Questions About Islam” aims, above all, at being … Continued
Press Club of Metropolitan St. Louis, Journalism Foundation Award Scholarships to Four Missouri Journalism Students
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 2, 2011) — Matt Beezley of Fenton, Mo., received the $5,000 Press Club/St. Louis Post-Dispatch David Lipman Scholarship at the Missouri School of Journalism during a summer gathering of the Press Club of Metropolitan St. Louis and Journalism Foundation. The annual scholarship was established in 2009 in memory of David Lipman, BJ … Continued