KOMU Earns Regional Edward R. Murrow Award

“Immigration In-Depth” Wins Best News Series, KOMU’s Fourth in Five Years Columbia, Mo. (April 23, 2007) — The Radio-Television News Directors Association (RTNDA) recently awarded KOMU-TV a regional Edward R. Murrow Award for Best News Series, the station’s fourth Murrow in five years. KOMU, an NBC affiliate, is the only university-owned commercial television station in the … Continued

Three Missouri Students Receive Health Journalism Fellowships

Columbia, Mo. (April 19, 2007) — Three Missouri School of Journalism students had a unique opportunity to network with practicing health care journalists and learn about trends in the industry thanks to the 2007 AHCJ Missouri Health Journalism Fellowships from the Association of Health Care Journalists. Master’s student Traci Angel, senior Jamie Greber and junior … Continued

Missouri Journalism Students Top List of Recent Hearst Journalism Award-Winners

Columbia, Mo. (April 19, 2007) — Four Missouri School of Journalism students claimed prizes in three recent Hearst Journalism Awards Program competitions, raising the total number of Missouri students honored by the program this semester to eight. Seniors Ryan Famuliner and Ryan Kruger placed third and 11th in the Television Broadcast II Competition, respectively. Meanwhile, … Continued

Student Reporters at KBIA Radio Win Four Regional Edward R. Murrow Awards

Columbia, Mo. (April 19, 2007) — In one of the nation’s most prestigious broadcast awards programs, four Missouri School Journalism students working at KBIA radio competed with professionals and brought home top honors. Seniors Ryan Famuliner and August Skamenca, along with recent graduates Hayley Salvo, BJ ’06, and Bente Birkeland, MA ’06, each won a … Continued

Undergraduate Researcher to Present Original Scholarly Work at Premiere International Academic Meeting

Columbia, Mo. (April 18, 2007) — This week’s Undergraduate Research Day at the State Capitol in Jefferson City, Mo., was a dress rehearsal for senior Rachel Bailey, a strategic communication and psychology double major from Iberia, Mo. In May, Bailey and her faculty mentor, Paul Bolls, assistant professor of strategic communication, will present their original … Continued

Journalism Master’s Student Wins Prestigious Fulbright Scholarship to Germany

Columbia, Mo. (April 16, 2007) — Robin Hoecker, a master’s student at the Missouri School of Journalism, has received one of five Fulbright Beginning Professional Journalism Awards to Germany, the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board announced recently. During her 10-month Fulbright program, Hoecker, from Monroeville, Pa., will study … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism Receives $590,000 Grant to Host Reynolds High School Journalism Institutes

Columbia, Mo. (April 16, 2007) — The American Society of Newspaper Editors and the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation has awarded the Missouri School of Journalism $590,000 over the next three years to host an innovative training program for high school journalism advisers nationwide. From July 8-20, the School will offer its first Reynolds High School Journalism … Continued

Overholser to Headline Mizzou Dinner in Washington, D.C., April 21

Former Ombudsman for The Washington Post Offers a “A Manifesto for Change” in Journalism Washington, D.C. (April 4, 2007) — Geneva Overholser, the Curtis B. Hurley Chair in Public Affairs Reporting for the Missouri School of Journalism, will lead an all-star University of Missouri-Columbia delegation at a reception and dinner in the nation’s capital April … Continued

Convergence Journalism Project Offers Media Outlet for Columbia Schools

MySchool Video Project Launched by Students, Debuts on MyMissourian.com Columbia, Mo. (April 3, 2007) — One of the latest trends in media technology is giving community members an unprecedented insiders’ view of Columbia’s public schools, thanks to the work of a group of radio-television journalism and convergence journalism students at the Missouri School of Journalism, … Continued