Ron Stodghill named Meredith Chair in Service Journalism

By Austin Fitzgerald Columbia, Mo. — (August 31, 2021) Ron Stodghill, BS/BJ ‘86, has been named the Meredith Chair in Service Journalism at the Missouri School of Journalism, effective Sept. 1. An Associate Professor, Stodghill is a renowned journalist who has written for the New York Times, Business Week, Time, and many other top publications, … Continued

Associate Professor Jeimmie Nevalga honored with 2021 Maxine Christopher Shutz Award and Lecture for Distinguished Teaching

Nevalga, an associate professor at the Missouri School of Journalism, was the first woman and person of color to lead news operations at KOMU-TV. Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 1, 2021) — Missouri School of Journalism Associate Professor Jeimmie Nevalga has received the 2021 Maxine Christopher Shutz Award and Lecture for Distinguished Teaching. Nevalga is the second … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism’s Watchdog Writers Group announces new fellows and student reporters

Authors and students will produce books and articles on climate change and agriculture, the big business of addiction recovery, and the America’s housing crisis and credit system. The Missouri School of Journalism has selected its second class of authors to receive its Watchdog Writers Group fellowship, a $50,000 annual stipend that will allow the journalists … Continued

MOJO Ad campaign helps Missourians reconnect with nature

By Kelly Lopez During the pandemic, most people were stuck inside of their homes, nervous to go out in public spaces for fear of becoming infected and endangering their families. One of the few refuges people had was spending time in the great outdoors. This summer, the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) launched a campaign … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism Graduate receives third place in top student papers at AEJMC

Columbia, Mo. (August 6, 2021) — Missouri School of Journalism graduate Erika Schneider, Ph.D. ’21, was awarded third place in the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication’s Public Relations Division’s student research paper competition. Schneider will present her paper in a panel, among other top paper winners, at 12:30 p.m. CDT on Saturday, … Continued

School of Journalism’s NPR-member station is capturing memories — one voice at a time — for Missouri 2021

Emma Boyle, left, Becca Newton and Regan Mertz make adjustments to a sound mixer June 12 at the Columbia Farmers Market in Clary-Shy Community Park. The students are members of KBIA’s Missouri on Mic team, which is recording anecdotes from Missourians as part of the state’s bicentennial commemoration. ‘Missouri on Mic’ asks participants to share their thoughts … Continued

Student Enhancement Fund created in honor of longtime professor Stacey Woelfel

Fund will support students’ reporting and documentary projects. Columbia, Mo. (July 26, 2021) — To honor his countless contributions to the School of Journalism and the media industry, colleagues, alumni and friends have established the Stacey Woelfel Student Enhancement Fund, which will benefit students pursuing careers in television, radio and documentary journalism. “I’m excited to … Continued

Missouri journalism faculty, graduate students and alumni to present at AEJMC 2021 virtual conference

Columbia, Mo. (July 27, 2021) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni will present 70 peer-reviewed research papers at the virtual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Aug.4-7. Among the top awards: AEJMC Equity & Diversity Award awarded to University of Missouri School of Journalism. 2021 Paul J. Deutschmann Award … Continued