Strategic Communication
Online News Garners More Attention from Readers if It’s Negative and Localized, MU Study Finds
By Emily Smith MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 26, 2009) — According to the “hardwired for news” theory, people devote more attention to information that is deviant or threatening. To test the theory, University of Missouri researchers examined the physiological effects of reading threatening health news online. The researchers found that news about local health … Continued
Strategic Communication Professor Named President of the American Academy of Advertising
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 10, 2009) — Shelly Rodgers, associate professor of strategic communication at the Missouri School of Journalism, has been elected president of the American Academy of Advertising (AAA). An active AAA member for more than a decade, Rodgers is currently the AAA president-elect and has previously served as the AAA vice president (2008), … Continued
Strategic Communication Professor Named Associate Editor of Journal of Interactive Advertising
Columbia, Mo. (July 13, 2009) — Kevin Wise, an assistant professor at the Missouri School of Journalism, is one of two new associate editors of the Journal of Interactive Advertising. Wise’s research explores how different features of online media affect cognition and emotion. A special emphasis is in how different features of advergames affect both … Continued
Traditional Media Provides More Comprehensive News Than Citizen Media and Blogs, MU Researchers Find
Columbia, Mo. (April 7, 2009) — Researchers from the Missouri School of Journalism recently completed a comprehensive comparison of citizen journalism sites (news sites and blogs) and traditional media Web sites. They found that despite ongoing reports of financial troubles and cutbacks, legacy media are more comprehensive and more technologically advanced than citizen media and … Continued
Strategic Communication Career Fair Provides Students Job, Internship Opportunities
Columbia, Mo. (March 13, 2009) — Resumes and portfolios in hand, more than 200 students buzzed around the Missouri School of Journalism’s 2009 Strategic Communication Career Fair in February. Recruiters from more than 20 companies and organizations visited with interested applicants in Stotler Lounge in Memorial Union on the University of Missouri campus, hoping to hire … Continued
HCD Research Partners with Missouri School of Journalism to Conduct Advanced Consumer Advertising Research
Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 14, 2008) — The Missouri School of Journalism and HCD Research formally announced today that they are joining forces to conduct consumer advertising research studies using sophisticated research techniques and advanced online methodologies. HCD Research is partnering with the Psychological Research on Information and Media Effects (PRIME) Lab, while the project is funded … Continued
Research Reveals Effective Anti-Tobacco Ads Should Either Scare or Disgust Viewers
However, Combining Both Fear and Disgust Appeals in the Same Ad Decreases Viewers’ Attention, Understanding By Emily Smith MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 24, 2008) — Anti-tobacco public service announcements have been around for decades, designed to encourage people to quit smoking or to refrain from starting. Often these ads try to encourage people … Continued
Leading Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing Executives to Lead Roundtable Discussion on Ethics
Event Part of Missouri School of Journalism Sept. 11 Futures Forum Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 3, 2008) — As the promise of social media and other online communication opportunities expands, many companies are asking about an enhanced role for advertising and communications ethics. Several top advertising, public relations and marketing professionals will gather at the Missouri … Continued
$120,577 Donation to MU Honors Journalism Alumnus, Supports Columbia Missourian
Columbia, Mo. (June 5, 2008) — A gift to the Missouri School of Journalism will provide opportunities for students, faculty and staff to gain professional journalism experience at the Columbia Missourian. June Reynolds Miller donated $120,577 in memory of her late husband, MU alumnus George H. Miller, BJ ’40, to create the George H. Miller … Continued
Strategic Communication Students Create Marketing and Advertising Plans for Missouri Town
Columbia, Mo. (June 5, 2008) — This summer, Missouri School of Journalism strategic communication students spent a week in Stockton, Mo., conducting research and creating advertising campaigns for several businesses in the small southwest Missouri town, which was nearly destroyed by a tornado in May 2003. The course, “Creating and Implementing Effective Strategic Communications: A … Continued