Missouri Advertising Students Visit the Big Apple
Columbia, Mo. (March 1, 2005) — More than 20 students from the Missouri School of Journalism traveled to New York City to meet and learn from the representatives of some of the nation’s top strategic communications agencies and other entities.

Jamie Pabst, a junior advertising major, said, “The investment was definitely worth it. The introduction to the city, learning how things work in the industry and getting advice from experienced professionals was invaluable.”
The group visited seven offices in all: Unilever Cosmetics International in-house agency, Edelman public relations, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide,Y&R, Global Advertising Strategies, Mediacom and BBDO.
“We wanted to familiarize students with the different leading agencies, corporations and other organizations in New York, and show them how they implement advertising and public relations strategies,” said Suzette Heiman, an associate professor of advertising and the School’s director of planning and communications. Heiman organized the trip and accompanied the group.
Some of the students will participate in the School’s New York Summer Program, an interdisciplinary program in partnership with the New School University in Manhattan.
The students also met and visited with Missouri Journalism School graduates during an alumni reception attended by more than 100 people. Dan Potter, general manager of the Columbia Missourian, shared information about the field test of EmPRINT, a new digital newspaper concept. EmPRINT was developed by Roger Fidler, a new media pioneer and the inaugural Visiting Fellow of the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the School.
“The alumni reception gave us an opportunity to network with alumni. The best thing about it, though, was the information, encouragement and insight they gave me about being confident in my abilities and persistent in my ambitions,” said Pabst.
This was the eighth annual strategic communications trip to New York.
Updated: April 2, 2020