Missouri Group Publishes New Edition of News Reporting and Writing Textbook

Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 26, 2004) — The Missouri Group is releasing the eighth edition of News Reporting and Writing, the leading journalism textbook in this subject area.
Authored by Missouri School of Journalism professors Brian S. Brooks, George Kennedy, Daryl R. Moen and Don Ranly, the text teaches journalism fundamentals with a clear and practical approach. The book is published by Bedford/St. Martin’s.
“We started on the first edition of this book 25 years ago,” said Moen. “Journalism has changed rapidly since then, and this eighth edition reflects such changes as how people get their news, how they view journalism and journalists and how journalists are trying to adjust. What hasn’t changed are the basic news values and the need to write clearly.”
New features of News Reporting and Writing include:
- Trends toward media convergence.
- More coverage of online journalism.
- Expanded public relations coverage.
- More help with writing fundamentals.
- A database of more than 2,500 questions, including the 20 grammar and usage errors most commonly made by students.
- Updated examples.
An interactive CD-ROM is packaged for free with every copy. This allows students to cover a real-life crisis, challenging students to make effective use of the CD’s text, audio, and video resources as the news story unfolds.
More information is available at www.bedfordstmartins.com.
Updated: March 16, 2020