Sara Bondioli Accepted into Honor Societies at MU
Columbia, Mo. (May 4, 2005) — Sara Bondioli of Herrin, Ill., recently was accepted for membership into the oldest and most prestigious academic honor society in the United States, Phi Beta Kappa, at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

The Phi Beta Kappa society was founded on December 5, 1776, at the College of William and Mary, Va. Since then, Phi Beta Kappa has become the nation’s leading honorary society for the liberal arts and sciences. Only 1.3 percent of all students who earn baccalaureate degrees in the liberal arts and sciences at our nation’s leading institutions of undergraduate education are elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Chartered in 1901, Alpha Chapter was one of the first PBK chapters in the Midwest and is one of only three chapters in the state of Missouri and 262 chapters nationwide. MU is Missouri’s only public university with a PBK chapter.
Bondioli also was accepted into Kappa Tau Alpha, a national college honor society that recognizes academic excellence. The seventh oldest of national honor societies, Kappa Tau Alpha was founded at MU in 1910. It is the only journalism/mass communications society recognized by the Association of College Honor Societies.
Bondioli is graduating summa cum laude and with departmental honors in political science.
“The support of my family, friends and teachers through the years has been crucial to helping me in my achievements,” Bondioli said. “I feel honored to be invited into such prestigious company as Phi Beta Kappa and Kappa Tau Alpha.”
Bondioli’s involvement includes being a four-year member of Marching Mizzou, work experience as a wire editor and designer for the Columbia Missourian, retreat coordinator for the Catholic Students Association, and serving as a Journalism Ambassador representative on the Journalism Students Association Board.
A graduating senior double majoring in journalism and political science, Bondioli is a 2001 graduate of Herrin High School. She is the daughter of Peter and Mary Bondioli.
MU is the largest and oldest campus of the state’s major public research institutions. MU’s primary mission in research and graduate education provides enhanced opportunities and challenges in the undergraduate areas of humanities, arts and sciences, and selected professional fields. The University provides a basis for service to the people of the state through outreach programs.
Updated: April 7, 2020