Columbia Missourian’s July 1 Front Page Selected as One of the Nation’s Best by the Newseum
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 4, 2011) — For the first time, a front page of the print Columbia Missourian has been recognized by the Newseum as one of the top 10 best of the day. The Newseum is considered the world’s most interactive news museum. It mixes up-to-the-minute news with centuries of journalism history.

The Friday, July 1, cover was selected from a pool of more than 850 papers from 80-plus countries and featured on the Newseum’s website.
The Missourian qualifies for inclusion in the regular gallery of front pages because it is a daily community newspaper. The multiplatform publication also publishes an online site, a citizen journalism site and a series of 12 hyper-local e-newsletters. The Missourian maintains social media sites and blogs.

Being selected as one of the top 10 front pages is a special distinction, according to Associate Professor Joy Mayer.
“The best news pages make a bold statement and tell a compelling story,” said Mayer, who assisted with the overall design. “For this front page, the designer said she recognized right away that she had a strong, symbolic photo that needed to be played large. She let it carry the page and crafted her typography around it. That’s what caught the attention of the Newseum editor.”
The strength of the presentation began with a powerful package on the pro-life movement that was more than six months in the making. The lead above-the-fold story on the pro-life movement was presented with an eye-catching photograph of a gold pin showing two small feet on a red blouse. Below this is a story on the resignation of the Voluntary Action Center‘s director followed by a table of contents highlighting key items in the publication.
Students contributing to the front page included designer Mallory Redinger, reporters Katy Bergen and Holly Bender as well as photographer Daniel Longar.

Updated: June 3, 2020