Shanghai University Student Earns Academic Honors at the Missouri School of Journalism
Xinrui Zhu Is the Third 2+2 Graduate to Receive Kappa Tau Alpha Recognition
Columbia, Mo. (May 13, 2013) — When the Missouri School of Journalism began recruiting for its “2+2” program, which brings top undergraduate journalism students from China to Missouri to complete their degrees at the Missouri School of Journalism, it committed itself to bringing only top-flight undergraduates. The early returns suggest the selection has gone well.

Xinrui Zhu, who completed two years at Shanghai University, will graduate during the School’s spring commencement ceremony on May 17. She will be inducted into Kappa Tau Alpha, the national honor society for students majoring in journalism and mass communication. The prestigious group accepts the top 10 percent of each graduating class as members. Kappa Tau Alpha means “The Truth Will Prevail.”
Zhu will be the third KTA inductee from the six students from China, who have and will have completed Missouri’s rigorous 2+2 program. Youyou Zhou and Yingjun Zhang, both of Fudan University, were honored in 2012.
“This sort of recognition is indicative of the type of students we are bringing here on the 2+2 program,” said Fritz Cropp, the School’s associate dean of global programs. “We are striving to bring the best journalism students in China to Missouri and integrate them into our classrooms and newsrooms.”
Zhu earned a 3.9 grade-point average during her five semesters on campus. A print and digital news major, Zhu worked as a reporter at the Columbia Missourian and a Web editor at Vox Magazine. She will intern as a graphic designer in New York for one year before returning to China to pursue data journalism.
“Zhu’s outstanding academic performance is representative of the high quality students we have in the 2+2 program,” said Ernest Zhang, the director of the School’s China program. Zhang takes charge of the coordination and operation of the program, directed by Cropp with Li Yang as the China program adviser.
A total of 17 students from 11 universities in China have participated in the 2+2 program. It is open to students with a 3.4 GPA and a minimum of 100 on the TOEFL or 7 on the IELTS. After being accepted to the University of Missouri, qualified students transfer to Missouri to complete their bachelor degree requirements.
Updated: July 16, 2020