School to Host Open House During Mizzou Family Weekend

As part of MU’s Family Weekend activities, the J-School will be hosting an open house at its newsrooms, including the Columbia Missourian.
Event Will Be Held on Friday Afternoon, Sept. 21
Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 11, 2018) — The Missouri School of Journalism will host an open house from 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 21, for students in journalism and their families. The event is held in conjunction with Family Weekend, sponsored by the University of Missouri.
A variety of presentations and self-guided activities will be available. Guests can pick up a list of options in the reception area of the Reynolds Journalism Institute. Refreshments will be served.
The schedule is as follows:
- 8:30-10 a.m. – “Living the Creative Life in a Gig Economy.” Fred W. Smith Forum, Reynolds Journalism Institute.
- Join Nathaniel Rich, writer and author of The New York Times Magazine and Amy Martin, host of the Threshold podcast, for coffee and donuts and a chat about work, creativity and charting your own course.
- 1-4 p.m. – Self-Directed Tours
- Reception with Faculty and Staff. Palmer Room, Reynolds Journalism Institute.
- Meet members of the faculty.
- Visit with professors who involve students in research.
- Ask advisers general questions about the curriculum.
- Faculty and Staff Open House. J-School staff will be on hand to greet visitors and answer questions in the following locations.
- Angus and Betty McDougall Center for Photojournalism Studies, 109 Lee Hills Hall
- Columbia Missourian, 304 Lee Hills Hall
- The Frank L. Martin Journalism Library, first floor of the Reynolds Journalism Institute
- Futures Lab, ground floor of the Reynolds Journalism Institute
- Global Journalist, 215 Lee Hills Hall
- Global Programs/Journalism Abroad, 134 Neff Annex
- Jonathan B. Murray Center for Documentary Journalism, 243 Walter Williams Hall
- Journalism Student Services, 76 Gannett
- KBIA-FM, 51 McReynolds Hall
- KCOU, 230 MU Student Center
- KOMU-TV, 5550 Old 63 South, Columbia, MO 65201
- Maneater, G210 MU Student Center
- Missouri Business Alert, 215 Lee Hills Hall
- Mizzou Broadcast Operations, Mizzou Arena
- MOJO Ad, 127 Neff Annex
- MUTV, 232 MU Student Center
- Newsy, 904 S. Elm
- Novak Leadership Institute, 221 Lee Hills Hall
- Vox Magazine, 320 Lee Hills Hall
- Reception with Faculty and Staff. Palmer Room, Reynolds Journalism Institute.
- 2:30-3:15 p.m. – Guided Tour
- Overview of the School. Fred W. Smith Forum, Reynolds Journalism Institute.
- 4:30-5:30 p.m. – Guided Tour
- Join us for a tour of KOMU-TV, the School’s NBC affiliate. To participate, please meet at the station, 5550 Old 63 South, Columbia, MO 65201.
Visit the MU Office of Parent Relations website for more information about Family Weekend. For additional assistance, please contact the Office of Parent Relations at 573-882-5539 (toll-free, 888-631-1098) or by email at
Updated: November 5, 2020