School to Host Open House During MU’s Family Weekend

Missouri Journalism students gain hands-on training in professional, faculty-supervised newsrooms.
The Event Will Be Held on Friday Afternoon, Sept. 15
Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 12, 2017) — The Missouri School of Journalism will host an open house from 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 15, for students in journalism and their families. The event is held in conjunction with Family Weekend, sponsored by the University of Missouri.
A variety of presentations and self-guided activities will be available. Guests can pick up a list of options in the reception area of the Reynolds Journalism Institute. Refreshments will be served.
The schedule is as follows:
1-4 p.m.
Welcome Reception in the Palmer Room, Reynolds Journalism Institute
Refreshments provided by Journalism and Communication Learning Communities
- Meet members of the faculty.
- Visit with professors who involve students in research.
- Meet with representatives of the Journalism and Communication Learning Communities.
- Visit with campus and School media reps.
- Ask advisers general questions about the curriculum.
2:30-3:15 p.m.
- Overview of the School in Fisher Auditorium, located in Gannett Hall.

4:30-5:30 p.m.
- 4:30-5 p.m. KOMU-TV station tour, 5550 Old 63 South, Columbia, MO 65201.
- 5-5:30 p.m. Watch 5 p.m. news in the studio and in the production room.
Faculty and staff will be on hand in these areas to visit.
- KBIA-FM, 51 McReynolds Hall
- Global Journalist, 215 Lee Hills Hall
- Missouri Business Alert, 215 Lee Hills Hall
- Columbia Missourian, second floor of Lee Hills Hall
- Vox Magazine, second floor of Lee Hills Hall
- Angus and Betty McDougall Center for Photojournalism Studies, 109 Lee Hills Hall
- Journalism Student Services, 76 Gannett
- MOJO Ad, 127 Neff Annex
- Global Programs/Journalism Abroad, 134 Neff Annex
- Futures Lab, ground floor of the Reynolds Journalism Institute
- The Frank L. Martin Journalism Library, first floor of the Reynolds Journalism Institute
- Newsy, 904 S. Elm (above Sushi Burrito)
- Maneater, G210 MU Student Center
- KCOU, 230 MU Student Center
- MUTV, 232 MU Student Center
Visit the MU Office of Parent Relations website for more information about Family Weekend. For additional assistance, please contact the Office of Parent Relations at 573-882-5539 (toll-free, 888-631-1098) or by email at
Updated: October 23, 2020