Fall Welcome Event to Highlight Opportunities with More Than 30 Student Organizations
The Groups Provide Professional Development and Networking Benefits
By Caroline Murray
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 28, 2014) — More than 30 journalism-related organizations will welcome students into a new academic year with opportunities for professional development and networking at the annual Fall Welcome event on Wednesday, Sept. 3.

The event, which is sponsored by the Missouri School of Journalism, will take place from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the Reynolds Journalism Institute reception area. All new, transfer and current students are invited to attend the event and speak with representatives from the organizations about ways to get involved. Tiger Stripe ice cream will also be offered to attendees. More than 500 students attended the event in 2013.
The organizations host industry speakers, plan site trips, provide tips for internship and job searches and provide opportunities to network with faculty and other members.
Participating organizations include:
- AAF (American Advertising Federation) Mizzou
- American Copy Editing Society
- Association of Health Care Journalists
- Association for Women in Sports Media
- Business Journalism Student Association
- Global Journalist
- Investigative Reporters and Editors
- Journalism Graduate Studies (5 year BJ/MA)
- Journalism Academic Advisors
- Journalism Career Services
- Journalism Student Council
- Missouri Interscholastic Press Association
- Missouri Urban Journalism Workshop
- Mizzou Magazine Club
- Mizzou Religion News Association
- National Association of Black Journalists
- National Association of Hispanic Journalists
- National Press Photographers Association
- Newsy
- Online News Association
- Reynolds Journalism Institute Futures Lab
- Science and Agricultural Journalism
- Society of Professional Journalists
- Student Society for News Design
- Study Abroad/Global Programs
- Journalism Sustainability Team
- The Maneater
- Vox Magazine
Updated: July 30, 2020