Eugene Phua

Eugene Phua

Managing Editor BJ '07
Heather Physioc

Heather Physioc

Director of Organic Search BJ '08
Robert Picard

Robert Picard

Media Economics Professor PhD '83
Sergio L. Piedra

Sergio L. Piedra

Director of Leisure Product Development BJ '93 (News-Editorial)
Dan Pierce

Dan Pierce

BJ '99, BA '99 (History)
Beth Pike

Beth Pike

Co-owner, Adjunct Faculty BJ '86 (Broadcast News)
Sue Jackson Pondrom

Sue Jackson Pondrom

Freelance Medical Writer BJ '68 (News-Editorial)
Larry Postaer

Larry Postaer

Co-Founder, Co-Chairman of the Board BJ '59
Kyle Pusateri

Kyle Pusateri

Advertising Account Executive BJ '08
Linda Quinet

Linda Quinet

BJ '65
T.J. Quinn

T.J. Quinn

Investigative Reporter/Anchor BJ '91
Linda Rallo

Linda Rallo

Vice President of Aligned (formerly the Alliance for Childhood Education) BJ ’87