School of Journalism Revises Admissions Procedures

Columbia, Mo. (May 13, 2003) — The Missouri School of Journalism today announced revised admissions procedures for undergraduate students entering the University in the Fall Semester 2004. Journalism Scholars. Scholars are those who score 29 or higher on the ACT (1280 on the SAT) and rank in the top 10 percent of their high school graduating … Continued – Best in the Midwest

Columbia, Mo. (April 28, 2003) — KOMU‘s website has won the Edward R. Murrow Award for the best small-market TV Web site in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. The award, which is given by the Radio Television News Directors Association (RTNDA), recognizes Web sites that offer timely news and original content while maximizing the use of … Continued

Will Work For Credit: MU Journalism Students Create Ads For National Television

Columbia, Mo. (April 11, 2003) — College students spend countless hours working on class projects, preparing themselves for future career opportunities. For a number of advertising students at the Missouri School of Journalism at the University of Missouri-Columbia, the chance to launch those careers and gain national exposure has arrived early. Last week, two Nokia … Continued