Students Participate In Study Abroad Program
Columbia, Mo. (Jan. 2, 2004) — Twenty-two Missouri School of Journalism students are spending part of their semester break visiting four European cities. The two-week trip features stops at media outlets in Paris, Brussels, Vienna and Frankfurt.

The “European Study Tour,” one of several entrepreneurial study-abroad programs at the school, will be led by Brian Brooks, associate dean for undergraduate studies and administration, and Jen Moeller, an assistant professor.
“This trip offers a taste of life abroad for students who either can’t take an entire semester or hadn’t planned to do so,” said Fritz Cropp, the School’s coordinator of international programs. “It’s also a wonderful trip for people who haven’t traveled previously.”
Brooks’ two years of experience in Frankfurt as editor of Stars and Stripes were helpful in planning the final leg of the trip. The School has institutional relationships with Sciences Po in Paris and the European Journalism Academy in Vienna. Appointments at the European Union headquarters were arranged by MU’s European Union Center.
Updated: March 11, 2020