New RTNDA Student Chapter Established at J-School
Columbia, Mo. (Jan. 7, 2004) — The Ed Lambert student chapter of the Radio and Television News Directors Association has been established at the Missouri School of Journalism.

“As working journalists, our students and many of our faculty are already served by this highly respected professional organization,” said Lynda Kraxberger, the chapter’s faculty adviser. “An RTNDA student chapter serves as one more link between the classroom and the newsroom.”
RTNDA is the world’s largest and only professional organization that serves the electronic news profession. Its more than 3,000 news directors, news associates, educators and student members set the standards of news gathering and reporting and are committed to encouraging excellence in the industry.
The Missouri chapter is named for the late Ed Lambert, considered the “father of broadcast news” at the University of Missouri. Dr. Lambert was instrumental in the school’s purchase of a commercial television station in 1953 and served in various capacities at the station after its launch.
Lynda Kraxberger will serve as faculty adviser and Kent Collins, broadcast news department chair, will serve as co-adviser. The chapter’s first officers are:
- President: Matthew Simon
- Vice President: Maral Usefi
- Treasurer: Jenna Gordon
- Members-at-Large: Kimberly Adams and Caroline Brady
Chapter meeting activities will include guest speakers, site visits to electronic media outlets and a mentoring program.
“We have a rich resource in RTNDA. With our new chapter, we now have even more opportunities to benefit our students,” Kraxberger said.
Updated: March 11, 2020